Chp 10 - Battle Against the Checker King

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*Motivation flees* Motivation come bckkk!!!
Finally with little motivation and my huge laziness I'm done with this chp :'D

Sorry for the slow updates- school has been a P A I N but managed to finish this and fix chp 9. Anyways hope y'all I've this, ok enjoy!

!Fanart Above Not Mine!
Here it comes! K.Round's ferocious stomps shook the ground. It eyed the heroes menacingly. Y/N gulped at its stare. Kris gave a warning about Susie's attacks while Y/N and Ralsei defend themselves. But it didn't seem to understand the warning, not even ready or wary for Susie's attacks. Susie taking this chance, smirked and strikes at the huge beast. It didn't seem to care though as it got hit, only one objective was probably shown to it. Guard against the warriors. Y/N noticed Kris's soul getting pulled out, landing straight in the middle of the battlefield. K.Round looked like it getting ready to jump. It leaped high in the air, with the strength of its muscular legs. The ground shook when it landed on the ground, aiming for Kris.

Luckily it missed them by a near second of them moving out of the way. After a few stomps, K.Round seemed to catch Kris on one of its deadly jumps. Y/N could hear Kris grunt in pain as they're soul got struck. A pang of worry struck through Y/N's heart. She just hoped that they will get better after the battle. K.Round shuffled furiously. Y/N looked through her acts, seeing if there was a way to beat K.Round without fighting it. "Bow" was shown, Y/N hesitantly chose the act. Y/N held her dagger back and bowed towards K.Round. K.Round bowed back ferociously immediately when they saw her bow. Y/N tensed at it's non-stop bow. But then, something caught her eye. K.Round's gold crown was loosening from it. If she remembered correctly, it turned bigger once the crown got on it. 'Maybe..if we get the crown off, it can turn back to normal,' Y/n thought to herself, understanding gleaming in her E/c eyes.

Once Y/N's turn was over, she quickly turned to the others. "Guys, if we get that crown off, it'll turn back to its original state!" Y/N informed them. Ralsei's face comprehended, clearly thought over Y/N's observation. "Of course, if we bow like you did, we'll be able to get that crown off, and it'll be back into a little guy!" Ralsei said excitedly. Kris nodded in agreement, understanding the plan. Y/N looked over at Susie, Ralsei spoke, "Susie, help us bow at it!" Susie moved her head towards him, a frown on her pink face. "Nah, its crown'll come off.." She spoke calmly. Y/N was confused by this, 'What is she getting at..?' "When I smash this guy to the GROUND!" Susie laughed , her sharp yellow teeth slinging as she grinned evilly. Ralsei had a nervous look, and before they knew it, Susie attacked the gigantic creature. 'Looks like Susie is not going to help after all, again,'  Y/N gulped. It'll just be the three of them.

Kris being the leader, ordered the group, the exception of Susie though, to do a deep bow. Following their(♡) orders, Y/N bowed, her hair falling in front of her face. Trying to peek a eye, she could see that Ralsei had also bowed and Kris as well. They're(♡) whole face was almost covered by there dark blue hair. For some reason, Y/N was sorta disappointed that she couldn't see their red eyes again. It looked..beautiful. 'Wait what am I thinking? ' Y/N shook her head inwardly, confused of her thoughts towards Kris.

The sound of K.Round's furious bowing shook Y/N out of her thoughts, focusing back on the task up front. The crown had loosed more. It seemed that, the more people that bowed and showed respect towards it, it would bow back with the same amount. The group's turn ending, Susie had attacked once more, striking a hard blow towards the checker king. It endured the damage and had the same fighting glare in its eyes. Y/N's soul had a turn now, moving towards the middle of the battlefield. K.Round glared at the soul as Y/N readied for the attacks. The giant monster kicked its legs high, shooting stars that spun toward Y/N's soul. The stars were closing in, leaving few chances of her dodging its attack. But seeing a way out, she moved her heart swiftly pass the pointy stars. As the creature shot more stars through its legs, Y/N out of instinct dodged all the stars briskly.

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