Chp 2 - Trouble in the Halls

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Back with another chp! Had some time since I finish my hmwk early. Decided to change some dialogue from the game in here to make this story more sense. I'll be publishing chps weekly, at least 1 or 2 Chps a week if I can try. I'm trying out a different writing style so I hope it's alr. Anyways enjoy, and I can already see the reads here piling up! I never expected it to be noticed so quickly.

Ok enough rambling, enjoy the chp!

!Art above Made by @eints01 on Instagram!

  Y/N closed the door behind her as she exited out the classroom. Once you stepped outside and the door closed behind her, you heard a crash from the lockers.

You froze and stifled a gasp as you saw Kris get smashed onto the lockers by Susie. Her grip on their collar.

"H-Hey! Let them(♡) go!" You managed to yell out, yet frustrated that you stuttered, afraid that you would be in the same position as Kris. But Kris was in trouble, Y/N had to help them(♡) even if that meant putting her on the spot.

Susie turned her head towards you, her gaze unreadable. "Or what, you're gonna snitch as well?" She threatened. Y/N gave an angry glare, yet behind those challenging eyes there was fear.

"Let them(♡), go." You repeated, as it took almost every drop of courage to stand up to Susie.

She smirked, and gave a small chuckle as she heard your repeated protest. "Fine, it isn't worth it either way." She grunted, dropping Kris as they(♡) landed in the floor with a thump. "Besides Kris, you've got a good mother," she stated as Kris sat at the floor unmoving. "It'd be a shame to make her bury her own child," she smiled evilly. She walked off, stopping midway.

"Alright let's get this over with. We'll get more chalk, mosey back to class. And then Kris, and Y/N was it?" She told. You nodded stiffly. "You BOTH will do our project." She walked ahead the school hallway. "Sound good?" Y/N opened her mouth to declare her answer but was interrupted by Susie.

"Don't bother. If you haven't gotten it by now, your choices don't matter."

Y/N gulped at that response as she started to tremble after her stood up to Susie. "Now let's go freaks. Susie walked off and left the two in the empty hallway.

Y/N glanced over to Kris who was sitting and had their(♡) hair covering their(♡) whole face. She went over to them(♡) and offered a hand. They(♡) looked up, and hesitantly accepted it, as Y/N helped Kris up."Are you alright?" She asked, as she helped them up. They(♡) looked over to you and nodded, but you could hear a quiet "Thank you," coming from them(♡).

"I guess we should catch up to Susie, before she causes any more trouble." Y/N said. Kris just stared at Y/N blankly, giving her an awkward feeling. But she ignored it as Y/N followed the path Susie took to the closet.

She turned to another hallway to see Susie waiting for the two. "Come on you two slow slugs, we don't got all day." Susie said with an annoyed tone. You wanted to retort back, but thought better of it. The three walked to the end of the hall as they arrived to the supply closet.

"Well here's the closet. Too bad..," she said with a pitied look. "We were just starting to have fun," Susie leered.

The closet doors suddenly opened, revealing an infinite darkness inside. Y/N stumbled back as she suddenly had a cold chill. Susie and Kris seemed to back away with the same frightened feeling. Y/N looked over to Kris who seemed to tremble. She could understand, she started to shiver too on the tense and scary feeling this closet was giving. "Hey, Kris, Y/N..," Susie broke the silence. "Is it just me or, is it REALLY dark in there?" Y/N gave her a 'really?' look as she shared that comment. But she was right. It was pitch black in there.

"What's the holdup Kris, Y/N.., are you going to go in or not?" Susie said as she nudged you hardly forward. "Hey-!" Y/N snapped. "What? Are you too chicken to go in the dark?" She countered. "I-" you stuttered. 'She is right, I am too scared to go in or even take a step in there.' You gulped as you thought to yourself.

"Ugh, fine!" Susie yelled. Y/N stiffened. "If you both gonna be wimps, then I'll.." she stopped as she looked back at the closet. Y/N could see her shiver, which made you amused a bit as to see her scared as she and Kris were. "Are you guys really going to me make go in first!?" Susie growled, revealing her sharp yellow teeth.

Y/N forced herself not to scrunch up her face in disgust, but she did feel a bit of pity for Susie for her to go in by herself. "Alright, we'll all go in the same time." Y/N responded, seeing that Kris also managed to nod in agreement.


The three walked in the closet, seeing only the black darkness. The only thing you could see were papers splayed on the floor that led to the exit behind you. What was weird was that Y/N couldn't feel the walls. 'Maybe this closet is bigger than I thought.' She believed. Y/N saw Susie and Kris ahead, so she ran to catch up to them, walking next to Kris, while Susie ahead.

"See? Why were you both scared? There's nothing in here except old paper." Susie said. "Says the one who was also afraid to go in.." you muttered almost within earshot. Luckily Susie didn't hear, but you could see Kris almost having an amused expression.

"Anyways let's try to find the light switch." She growled as she walked more ahead, Y/N and Kris trailing after her.

As Y/N, Kris, and Susie, tried to find the switch to the light all of them were defeated in finding it. "That's weird, I can't find the switch." Susie said, with the same confusion Y/N had. "Maybe it's further in?" You suggested. "How big can this closet even be?" Susie muttered to herself as she walked further to find the light switch.

As the three walked further in, there seemed to be no end. Y/N looked back to the the small light of the exit. "To think we'd have reached the end by now." Susie spoke. She walked ahead more and stopped. "This closet is pretty broken. There aren't any walls." "Maybe we should head back?" Y/N spoke as she started to have that chilled feeling again of staying here any longer. "Eh, your right. If Alphys wants chalk so bad, she can get it herself. Alright let's split." Relieved to hear Susie finally agree for once. Susie, Kris, and Y/N started to head back to the exit, Susie at front.

Almost to the doors to the exit, suddenly..


The doors suddenly slammed shut, shutting out the light of the outside. Fear started to crawl through your skin as you were trapped in here. "W-What the-!" Susie exclaimed, as you could tell she was starting to panic. Y/N tried opening the doors but it wouldn't budge. "It's locked tight!" You said in terror. Susie pushed you aside, heading towards the doors herself. "Hey this isn't funny! Let us o-!" Before Susie could finish her sentence, the papers below started to shake suddenly.

"What's happening?!" Y/N yelled in confusion and dread. "The floor it's-!" Again Susie was interrupted as the path of papers at front started to shrink.

You backed up, feeling Kris next to you with the same look of disbelief and uncertainty. Until there were no more sheets of paper left, you saw Susie fall, hearing her scream slowly faded until you and Kris fell.

You felt nothing below you and you couldn't manage to let out a shriek as you fell down and down. You saw Kris as they fell farther away from you. You started to reach out to them, making them notice you. They(♡) started to reach their hand out as well until darkness succumbed them and you couldn't see them(♡) anymore.

Y/N met the floor as her vision faded, and blacked out.


Word Count: 1277 words

This wasn't a long chp, but I can promise the next one will be much more longer. Our friends here have fallen into the Dark World finally, can't wait to see what happens next c;

Also, please tell me any mistakes you spotted here, I'll gladly fixed them. Stay safe y'all, and hope u enjoyed the chp.

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