Chp 9 - The Checker Domain

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Wassup guys, back with another chp c':
Sorry for the long wait, wanted to take a break since I had school and work to finish. So sorry for that :'D

But after gathering some motivation and ideas I was able to finish this chp in time, and to sweeten it up..I added a fluffy scene ;3

Anyways thank you for the support! I've been seeing the reads on this book especially after a week and half absence of writing. I'm pretty glad to see so many people reading this book and loving it.

Ok onto the chp!

Also a side note! If any of you are confused about Kris's use of pronouns here, Kris can either be male or female or trans, whatever you want! So think of this as an any gender Kris x female reader. Just wanted to clear that up if any of y'all were confused. That's why I use the pronouns they or them or their for Kris :')

G/N = Group/Name

!Fanart Above by Honzumaruii from Twitter!

Entering a new field again, the red trees blew their delicate leaves across the area. As Kris took their(♡) place as the lead once more, they(♡) marched with the group forward. Up ahead, Y/N could spot enemies up front, interpreting the enemies of Rudinns and a Hathy. When they tried to cross their land, they spotted the warriors and attacked.

Y/N took her battle spot and held her dagger in defense. She looked over at Susie who seemed to be ready to attack. Y/N was about to warn the enemies, but Kris was one step ahead. They had already warn the enemies about Susie's blow. It was Y/N's turn. Going towards the pacifist side, she decided to convince Rudinn. "We should quit fighting, we don't need to hurt each other," Y/N said awkwardly, hoping that was enough to convince the Rudinn. Luckily, it was utterly swayed. Kris then ordered Ralsei to spare the Rudinn, which he gratefully did. Suddenly Susie attacked once it was her turn. But all the enemies were alerted to watch out for her.


After a while, the battle was over. The enemies were successfully spared. As Kris led the group toward the next area, Y/N could see the environment around her change. The grass below her was no longer the beautiful swishing purple grass. It was now a red black checker pattern. The trees were replaced with stoned pawned-like statues. It gave Y/N shivers. For some reason as she and her friends continued, Y/couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

A blue sign was shown, as it dangled from one of the stoned statues. It said, "When you step into the light, you'll return to where you were before." Y/N raised a brow in confusion. 'What is that suppose to mean?'  When Kris continued to lead the group onward, the checker floor below them started to flash white. Y/N was puzzled, but when she looked back up, she noticed she was back where she started. ' that's what it meant.'  Y/N concluded, now understanding the situation. "Kris, I think we should time this perfectly," Ralsei told them. "There's a pattern, if we can get to the other side without landing on the light perfectly, we''ll be able to pass this," He gleamed. Y/N suddenly had a burst of understanding. He was right, the lights were going on a specific pattern! There it went, left.., now middle, right.., back to left. Y/N could see it clearly now. "Can we just get to the other side already," Susie yawned. Kris nodded in response, and waited till a perfect route was open.

The team zipped through when Kris gave the signal to start running ahead. They were almost at the end when Y/N saw that the pathway they were on was going to shine. "Guys, move to the middle!" She warned. Luckily, they did follow her order with no protests, and made it to the end before the light got to them. Y/N caught her breath as she took a break from her sprint. "That was close," Ralsei said, as he too gasped his breath. "Yea," Y/N managed to let out. Ralsei patted her back, "It was a good thing you were able to warn us in time." He smiled gratefully. Y/N felt pretty emberrassed by is praise, "Th-Thanks Ralsei, I was glad I was able to notice it in time." She thanked him. "Let's keep going now," Ralsei said.

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