Chp 3 - A Trip in The Dark Cliffs

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Started writing chp 3 once I finished chp 2. I liked the way this chp has turned out and note, this chp is pretty long. Yup, kept my promise haha. So this might take a while to read. Also the plot of this story will be a little different than the game so I hope y'all don't mind. Also for new readers that are reading this book, there are descriptions that might leave you confused. Well check the description of my book to check out the meaning of them.

Alrighty enjoy the chp!


!Fanart by @wata_lemon03 on Insta!


Y/N groaned as she felt pain all around her body after that huge fall. "What happened?" She muttered to herself as she rubbed her head and started to sit up. "Oh yea that's right.." she thought as she recalled being with Susie and Kris and getting trapped in the closet to get chalk for Alphys. "Wait-, where's Kris and Susie?" She started to look around but there was no sight of Kris or Susie. In fact this wasn't even a closet anymore. "What is this place?" Y/N panicked. Heather stone poked your feet as the black sky loomed ahead. Y/N felt weird for some reason, and when she looked down her eyes widened.

Her skin had changed to S/C, and she wore some sort of armored gloves and boots and a short cape robe that was C/C. She ran her fingers through her silky H/C hair. 'H/C?' Y/N thought confusingly. Her hair had turned to H/C, different from her original. "How.." she let out a breath. She admired how she looked in her new form, but snapped out of it as she had a new objective. 'I need to find Kris and Susie.' Y/N determinedly thought. The only path forward was the the path ahead. Y/N walked, as she kept her gaze straight ahead.


Y/N found some interesting things as she followed the path. There were small holes on some hills that oozed black ink. She had also found some these white, puffy piles of dust. Yet when Y/N touched it, it automatically dispersed. Y/N didn't know how long it had been since she had seen Kris or Susie but she felt she was getting closer.

As Y/N trotted on, her feet were starting to ache at the amount of traveling she had progressed. Suddenly the rocks on one of side of her feet started to tumble down. Y/N lost her footing as she tripped off the hill. She grabbed on desperately. "No no no.." she squeaked. Y/N looked down regretting her decision. There was nothing below her, yet she swore she could catch a glimpse of land below. Her grip on the edge started to slip until she couldn't grab on anymore. She fell letting out a screech.


Kris POV:

Kris wandered through the empty rocky plains. They had been confused on their changed appearance. They now had cyan skin and blue hair. They wore this pink and purple scarf, and dressed in silver armor over a dark blue bodysuit. They also had silver armor gloves and boots. Kris had been trying to find the others, trying to reunite with them. But to no avail they hadn't found them. Kris did solve a puzzle before, that they easily solved. They wondered if anyone had been setting these up. As Kris continued on, they heard a faint scream above them. Confused they looked up, surprise in their face. 'Is that Y/N?' They thought. In fact it was, as she fell to the hard floor. Kris panicking a little ran over and checked on them. They heard her murmur pain as she tried to catch her breath.

Kris also noticed that their appearance changed too. They had H/C hair now, and S/C. And her new outfit suited her, well. It appealed Kris, but her state of condition caught back their(♡) attention. "Are you okay?" They asked, quietly. Y/N managed to nod, yet Kris knew she wasn't alright. They(♡) helped her up, returning back the favor of helping them against Susie. "Can you walk?" They(♡) asked softly. Y/N heard, and took a step. She winced, but took another step showing she could. Kris let her lean on they're shoulder and led her on.

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