Chapter 7: I'm In Trouble

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As I closed the door, shivers ran down my spine. It felt different than the flight attendant. They didn't follow me because I looked pretty or something as dumb as that. I didn't catch their eye. They were... watching me. I've seen those two too often even before I got on the plane. That's why they look familiar. I think they were the ones who kept staring when I was talking to Pauline.

I shook my head and splashed water on my face, "It's probably nothing."

I started searching the cosmetics Pauline had in the bag. I was right. It was full of lipsticks. I smirked at the thought of her getting ready. Boys must've enjoyed dating her because they don't have to wait too long for her. She only had one cosmetic.

I opened up all of the lipsticks, and chose the one least used and still has its shape. As I began applying it, I heard the commotion just outside the door.

"Kyle, what are you doing here? It's almost take off. The seatbelt sign is already turned on!" A woman's voice said.

"It is? Alright, alright. I'll guide the passengers to their seats." It was that male flight attendant, "Sirs, if you don't mind, I'm gonna need you to take your seat already." He must be talking to the two men who followed me.

"We need to go." One gruff voice countered, "We don't care about the sign."

"Ah, there's another bathroom right there-"

"We want this one." Then a I heard a loud thud on my end, as if someone banged the door.

After I finished applying the lipstick, I hurried to get out. But as I approached the door, I froze. It was if my body was telling me that it wasn't safe. They want this bathroom. Do they have a weird attachment to it or something? Maybe a hidden treasure or some sort?

The flight attendant continued, "Sir, but there's a lady inside and- woah!"

I was surprised when I heard him stop his sentence in shock. What on earth is happening outside. Curious, I leaned on the door and eavesdropped on the conversation.

"S-sir, how did you get that? Weapons aren't allowed in here." His voice became shaky.

Weapons? It must be a gun. A passenger with a gun?!

"Shhhh." A different, low voice stated, "We know it's not allowed, boy. Don't let us remind you why."

"A-are you... hijacking the plane?"

I heard a crusty chuckle, almost bordering a grunt, "Heh. Our mission's not that grand. We just need the girl inside."




Me? They need me?! Why would they need me?!

"Why do you need her?" The guy asked as if he read my mind.

"Why are you so nosy?" Then, to my horror, I heard the click of a gun, "Get back to your crew, cabin boy. We'll guide the girl to her seat."

"I-I..I-I can't leave the passenger..."

That's right! Please don't leave me! I want to get out of this bathroom and this plane alive! I still need to find a fling. It could be you, so please don't leave me!

But he was no longer able to read my thoughts. Soon, I heard him gasp. I'm pretty sure they were already pointing a gun to his head. If he doesn't leave, he's going to die.


Well, be brave, cabin crew boy! You're all I have!

"Y-yes. I'll go back. You can have her. Just... please don't alarm the other passengers."

Ugh. Why do guys keep leaving me?!

"That's a good cabin boy." The man said, "Now, go to your squad and stay silent. We only want the girl."

My knees lost their strength as soon as I heard footsteps treading away from me. I took deep breaths to calm myself, trying to find answers.

"Who are these guys? Why would they want me?"

No matter how hard I thought, I can't find a plausible answer to a single critical question. I never did anything bad in my life to be chased down like this...but...

Perhaps they have something against my parents! Are they one of the employees that lost their jobs after we went bankrupt? Or are they the small businesses that failed when they signed a contract with the Reagans? Or HERMES?

I heard a few businesses that signed on to HERMES failed because they weren't managed properly. I handled those kinds of transactions when I was still married to Clyde. Perhaps that's it. If so, maybe I could talk to them.

"What's taking her so long? Is she taking a dump or something?" I heard their voices again. I didn't hear another commotion, so the flight attendant probably kept his mouth shut.

I feel so helpless.

"She has no choice but to come out eventually."

"But the plane will be moving soon. And-"

"Don't be a pussy, Tom. Mr. Harrison said he wants the girl dead. If we don't blow up her head, he'll blow up ours."

W-what? Why did they say?

Mr. Harrison? Clyde. Clyde ordered them to do this?! No way. No way. I knew he didn't love me, but I know he didn't hate me this much at least. To think he would want me dead... it couldn't be Clyde.

I felt my chest tighten, ultimately distressed at the current situation. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Clyde wouldn't do something like this. But if it wasn't him, it couldn't be my father-in-law. He was too nice, and he's retired. He already handed over the Harrison Group to Clyde. Only he could call the shots now. It could be Mrs. Lydia, my mother-in-law. She hated me. She loathed the fact that the Harrisons had another lady in the house. It could be her. But they said Mr. Harrison. Perhaps she told them it was ordered by Clyde or Cesar?

Perhaps it was all of them? They wanted to finish the Reagans off?

"Agh, damn it!" I silently cursed myself, "What do I do?"

Every inch of my body was shaking in fear. I've never encountered this situation before. Despite all my family's wealth, no one ever dared to commit a sin against them, like kidnapping me for ransom. I've never been targeted like this. 

Perhaps that's why this is happening to me. Is this my karma for being rich and not paying attention to those UNICEF African commercials? And not sending donations to Red Cross? Is it because of that?

"Isn't killing her too harsh though? They were married."


All of a sudden, my knees gave out. I found myself lifelessly sitting on the floor, with my back against the door. I dropped the pouch, losing all the strength in my body. It couldn't be.

Clyde did this. He ordered these armed men to kill me.

"No way." I cried in dread. It felt like my whole body was convulsing. I was so confused and scared. My mind went blank for a minute, trying to process what I just heard.

After a few more seconds, I heard a commotion outside. It was the woman earlier.

"Sir! Please take your seats! The plane will be taking off!"

But the men didn't listen to her, "Shut up!"

And by the audible gasps I heard from the other side, it seems they have revealed their weapons to the whole crew and the passengers.


"Nobody move!" the man demanded, followed by the click of a gun, "I don't care if the f*cking plane is moving. We won't hesitate to shoot anybody!"

Damn it. I need to move. I can't expect to get out of this bathroom anymore. If I step out, I'm dead. These men are armed. No one will be able to stop them.

I need to get out of this plane...

...before it takes off.

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