Chapter 8: They Were Trying to Kill Me

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I scrambled to my feet, trying to think of an escape. The gasps and sounds of fear resounding from outside distracted me greatly. Good thing there was a window in the lavatory. I walked towards it to get away from the door and clear my head.

"How do I escape?" I mumbled to no one, looking outside the window. I couldn't think of anything. All I could see was the asphalt ground, a corner of the airport and the sky above it. Compared to the second floor of a building, the wing of the plane was not that high. If I could manage to get out from here, I could jump off the wing.

"Hey! You still in there?!" The man banged the door, calling out to me.

The cabin crew tried to pacify him, "Sir, please!"

My heart pounded heavily as each second passed. My brain was working as fast as it could, planning an escape attempt in less than a minute. Air seeped in and out of my gritted teeth. Fortunately, I managed to stop shaking.

I looked at the window again, measuring my body against it, "It wouldn't work."

The window was too small! My hips and my chest wouldn't fit. I've always liked my body but damn it! This might be the only time I'll be able to curse myself for being well-endowed.

But even if I could fit, it still wouldn't work. I don't have anything I can use to break such a thick window. Why does everything have to be thick?! Even me?! Am I really going to die because of this?!

"Hey! Get out of there right now!" the man demanded again, "If you don't, I'll shoot this f*cking door!"

I chose to seal my mouth shut, but then he created a threat I could no longer ignore.

"Fine! If you don't get out of there, I'll shoot someone!"

I heard screams from outside. They might've actually pointed a gun at someone. I don't want to die, but I don't want someone to get killed because of me.

"I'll come out! Don't hurt anyone!" I finally answered through the door.

"Then come out," the man replied in a commanding tone.

Damn it. I have no other choice but to escape after I exit this bathroom. Right now, the plan is to escape through an emergency door. But how do I get there safely?

"Please, hurry up, miss!" It was the voice of a female flight attendant, "The plane will be taking off!"

"You heard them." The other man said, "Hurry up!"

I was about to answer, but all of a sudden, the plane started moving.

"Oh no."

"Hey! Get out of there now!" the man angrily pounded on the door.

What do I do?! As soon as this plane takes off, there would be no chances of escaping. I would be in the mercy of those thugs for the whole flight. That is assuming they don't kill me first. But I can't take that chance. I need more time to think. I need to stall them.

I walked to the door and pounded on it, "Why is the plane moving?! There are armed men in this plane! Why is the pilot taking off?!

"W—we can't call the pilot, miss...agh!" woman screamed in the middle of her sentence. The bastards probably pointed a gun at her head.

"No one is calling anyone," the man growled, "Stop stalling, you bitch! You're not getting out of this plane alive."

"Sorry, miss Olivia. We really need to kill you," his companion added, "Our lives are on the line too. So please come out."

I rolled my eyes. What the hell is he even being polite for?

"I will! Please just..."

At that moment, I caught a glance of something blue outside the window. I rushed to it. I observed the ground and followed the lined path the plane was moving in. I pressed my head against the window to see where the lines ended. At the nearest corner, there was a takeoff pathway that led to the sea. If I could time my escape properly, hoping the plane doesn't go too vertical, I think I could open an emergency door and jump into the waters.

"Hey! Listen up!" the man banged the door again, "If you don't come out in the count of three, someone's brains will explode. Ya hear me?!"

I couldn't answer. I was waiting for the plane to turn towards the path to my freedom.

"Please turn. Please turn," I kept repeating in my head. I gripped the toilet seat in my distress, which turned worse when the man pounded the door again, starting the countdown.


As if someone heard my prayers, the plane started turning towards the path facing the sea. I silently celebrated for a second, which was cut short when the man shouted once more.


"Ma'am! Please come out!" the people outside pleaded in a cry. I almost wanted to shout at them for wanting me to die immediately but I can't blame them. I kept my calm and looked around the room for something I can use to distract the men for my grand escape. I thought breaking the toilet seat to throw at them, but it probably won't give me enough time. Finally, my eyes dawned on the soap bottle near the faucet.

"This will do," I smiled to myself. Fortunately, no one has used the bathroom yet, so the soap bottle was full. I hid it inside my sleeves. Fortunately, it didn't look too bulky to be noticed. I held the floral pouch from Pauline to cover it. Then, I looked outside the window to see if it was time to surrender. I started my own silent countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2...


"Alright! I'll come out!" I yelled, "Just... promise you won't hurt me until the plane descends." I adjusted my tone for a bit to make it seem like I was crying helplessly. I also took a second to open the sink and drop some water on my eyes for dramatic effect. I needed to look hopeless, as if I didn't have a plan in mind.

"Deal," they immediately agreed, "Now, come out."

I clutched the cloth on my chest, taking a few deep breaths. Finally, I opened the door. 

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