Chapter 27: I Had an Accent

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The headline blared on the screen like a 90's ad.


Then, it flashed the picture Judah and I took a week ago on the couch. I was burying my face in Judah's neck, my hands clinging to his shoulders. And Judah... he was beaming, with his head leaning on mine, looking as if he was really in love with me.

Ugh! His picture acting skill is exceptional! It's a good thing my hair was covering my face. Any less strands would reveal the unprofessional blush on my cheeks!

When Judah released the photo and the gossip article from his media team, the Internet got stirred up. The news of our wedding became the most trending topic on all social media platforms. We even came second on the most tweeted hashtag! And of course, there were also countless posts from women who were hopelessly in love with Judah, and the press who was dying to know who the lucky girl was.

The picture on the TV switched to an interview with Judah Kingston, just outside his building. He had his dashing work clothes on, standing on a podium, surrounded by reporters.

[Mr. Kingston is it true that you're getting married?] A reporter asked.

[Yes. Yes, I am. This week actually. I'm finally getting hitched.] He happily answered, and he was bombed with questions afterward.

[Who is the girl? How did you meet?]

[Isn't the wedding a little too fast?]

[When did you get engaged?]

But before Judah could answer it, Arthur whispered something in his ear, and he left the podium immediately. [Sorry, folks. Looks like I need to leave. Thank you for dropping by.] And the crowd roared his name, asking him to come back.

Then it switched to the news anchor, with a picture of Judah beside her on the screen, [In yesterday's broadcast, Judah Kingston shared more intimate details about his bride to be.] Then, it showed another picture of Judah and a script of his interview playing in the background.

[We met during my business trip to Russia. She owns a small coffee shop near my hotel, and served my coffee the whole week I was there. She didn't even know who I was. But I approached her first, and we started talking. Then it just happened, you know? There was this undeniable spark, and I just knew that she was the one I've been waiting for. So why wait?]

I smiled as he mentioned our backstory. Yeah, we tweaked it a little bit. We needed my background to be something common, but not too poor, not too high class, but something involved in some sort of business or industry. So, he went with the first thing he could think of. The actual truth of how we met- coffee. Combining it with the original love story I created for us, I became a Russian coffee shop owner. Ta-da.

[My, Mr. Kingston.] The voice of the radio interviewer responded, [I never pegged you for a romantic.]

Judah's gorgeous chuckle resounded on the audio, [I'm really not, Jones. But when the arrow hits you, anyone can be. And it hit me hard. I've never felt more complete in my entire life.]

[Awww. Well, that's the power of love. She's quite special, isn't she?]

Judah replied, [She is. She really is. I'm crazy about her.]

Ah, damn it. I know it's just an act but my heart is pounding like crazy!

[What a lucky girl.] The interviewer fussed.

But Judah countered him, [No, Jones. I'm the lucky one.]

And with that, it switched to the news anchor again, [Judah Kingston is set to be married to Miss Via Morozov this weekend at the Catherine Palace in Russia. The Catherine Palace! Can you imagine it?! Hahaha. Now, I'm getting jealous. That's Kingston for you.]

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