Chapter 38: We Got Invited

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"I'm sorry. Who the hell is here again?" I kept a low tone, trying not to shout at the phone. I was barely able to contain myself when the lobby buzzed my machine to inform me of a visitor. The button almost cracked when they said the name.

"Uhm... it's Clyde Harrison, sir. He's on his way to your—" But the voice was immediately cut off.

I looked at the phone to find the button broken and the red light off. Great. Now, I'm going to need a new desk phone.

Clyde Harrison, huh. Well, it's been quite a long time since I saw that son of a bitch. I glanced at Olivia's corner across me. Fortunately, she was still out and the bastard doesn't know that my new secretary is my wife... and my wife is his ex-wife. I better text Olivia to warn her. But... how will she react? She might not be able to focus on her project.

But before I could even grab my phone, an irritating presence has already found its way to my office.

"Kingston." He presented himself to me alone. His bodyguards are probably out the hallway scaring everyone, "It's been a while."

I clenched my fists inside my pocket, "And as always, not a pleasure to see you, Harrison."

"Same here."

We just stood there exchanging glares, probably thinking of how to get the other out of their sight. Permanently.

In Kingston, the Harrisons are known as our enemies, inside and outside the business. But for the outsiders, we are just two competing companies who are equal in reputation.

People don't know that we are literally going for each other's throats. Every time we would cross paths with the Harrisons, we faked formality. We do want to put each other down, but we're too high profile. So, how do you growl at your prey when you're in high society?

Most of the time, we just fake our smiles and throw shade in public. And when we go for visits into the other's territory, like what this bastard's doing right now, we don't really touch each other. I could splash his face with ink right this moment, but I don't and I won't. All the money and power, one might think we could do whatever we want, but not if your enemy has the same things as you. No matter how much we hated each other, we are all untouchable. We all have to be... classy.

"The hell are you doing here, Clyde?"

"Spies." He answered between gritted teeth, "Do you have spies in Harrison?"

Ah. Damn it, I want to laugh so bad. I wish Olivia could see Clyde's face right now. I tried to contain my mocking laughter, but I failed. I let it out bad.

"Hahahaha! What the hell are you talking about?!" I needed to wipe the tears from my eye, "Spies? You marched all the way into my office just to accuse me of something so absurd?"

"Don't sh*t with me, Kingston." He clenched his jaw and took a step closer, "Do you have spies in Harrison or not? It's the only reason why Kingston can get ahead that fast."

I slowly sat myself down my chair and positioned myself comfortably. I wanted to savor how pathetic he looked right now. After a few seconds, I answered him.

"I don't need spies, Clyde. Unlike you, I don't need to play dirty." He scowled at this comment, "We can beat your ass just fine."

"Ha." He chuckled scornfully, "Whatever you got going on, enjoy it while it lasts. Harrison has always beat you before. We will-"

"That was before." I smirked and cross my arms with confidence, "A lot has changed since then."

"Ah... I see." He faked a smile, nodding, "You got married. So, where's the wife? Is she the change you're talking about?"

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