Chapter 32: She's a Fast Learner

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Olivia intently kept watch of the lights on the elevator buttons, as if it were a doomsday countdown. She kept glancing at the mirrors around us to check her reflection, brushing her hair with her fingers every time she did.

I sighed, amused at her antics, "Olivia. Are you nervous?"

"No, sir." She answered instantly in the Russian accent, "I just think I might die, but I'll be okay."

"You'll be fine. If you're feeling nervous around them, just remember that you are second in command now that you're Mrs. Kingston... and working with me."

"For you." She corrected, "I'm your new secretary, remember?"

"Are you complaining?"

"Nooo." She sang, "It's the perfect job. A boss of the employees, an employee of the boss."

"See. You're answering back already. You'll do great."

"I must." She declared, "I'm just not sure I can keep my accent while being the boss."

"The Russian accent is made for bosses."

"Yeah, the Mafia ones. Not the new office wife. Especially a 'goodwife'. I'm gonna sound threatening." She worried, but goes on to mock her fake accent, "Yeah, take diz to the fax machine or else I brrrreak you. Ugh."

I tried to suppress my laugh, "Just remember everything I taught you."

"Will it be enough, though?" She asked, "From my Kingston crash course, I know for a fact that more than 50 percent of your head staff are elites. Harvard, Oxford, Stanford... Vegas. Won't they be snobs? What if they don't support our charity plans?"

"That's the challenge." I smirked, "They're valuable assets to the company and they will prioritize Kingston's high-class brand more than anything. Win them over, and half the battle's won."

She frowned at first but she tightened her hold on my hand as she wore a more determined expression, like someone ready for battle, "Got it."

Finally, we got to the top floor, where our upper office staff works. Most of the department heads are stationed there, and they are the ones Olivia needs to impress foremost, aside from our clients and partners.

As we walked down the hall, the staff greeted me as usual, but only a few of them were able to greet Olivia. They just stared at her instead. I looked at her as she tries her best to keep her head up with a smile.

No matter how in love I acted around her, I knew that I couldn't control what everyone would think. Her background as Via Morozov did include a thing or two about business, but I knew that others would still look down on her and be suspicious. She let out a shaky breath and that was when I took her hand for others to see.

"Don't worry. They'll come around." I whispered as I tightened my hold on her.

The side of her lip curved up, "Yeah. I'll make sure of that."

After a few more steps, we finally got to the office. When the glass doors were opened, all of the heads in the room immediately turned to us. Olivia and I looked at each other and took a deep breath before we entered the room and the doors close behind us.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Kingston." Some of them greeted as we walked to the front of the office. Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, huh? That doesn't sound weird at all. It was a bit pleasant to hear actually.

We got in front of everyone, and they all stood up to hear us. I looked at Olivia, who was mumbling to herself like a monk. I chuckled, giving her hand one last squeeze before letting go.

"You got this." I encouraged.

She let out a sigh, facing the staff. They all had that glimmer in their eyes as they waited on her words. Maybe they were mesmerized by her looks or they were just that curious about this woman whom I married out of nowhere.

Olivia started to say "Good morning" in her fake accent but she subtly groaned instead.

"Screw this." She whispered before raising her voice, "Hello everyone. Yes, I have been practicing my American accent. I hope I'm doing well."

I smirked. I have to admit. She was smart for thinking of that excuse for losing her accent.

"You sound natural, ma'am." Marge, one of our executive assistants, remarked.

"Thank you, Marge." Olivia bowed her head in gratitude. Memorizing their names came in handy.

Marge's eyes widened at the mention of her name, as did mine, "You know me?" She asked.

"Of course, I do." Olivia answered, her tone turning gentle and sweet, "I wanted to know everyone's names. It was a bit of a pain because there are almost a hundred of you." And she earned a laugh from the room.

Alright. She's off to a great start. She sounds like a goodwife already. Well, more like a pre-school teacher, but that's good too.

"My name is Via Morozov, well Via Kingston now. I come from a small town in Russia where I managed a small cafe. I didn't come from a rich family nor am I well versed in the art of business, like the woman you all probably expected a Mrs. Kingston to be."

At that remark, a heavy atmosphere suddenly filled the room. I eyed their expressions and it looked like they got what she was really saying.

Olivia cleared her throat to break the slowly growing ice, "But I do know people and service. And... it's what I want to work on at Kingston... now that I'm part of it."

As expected, she garnered a few skeptical and derisive looks from the staff. Murmurs started. I looked at Olivia, who was clenching her fists. I was about to do something about the small commotion but Olivia managed to continue.

"The small cafe I had in Russia is far from the cafes or restaurants of Kingston. But, like Kingston, we had an excellent staff, who was the heart of our small business..."

With that, the staff smiled at each other. She was starting to get their attention.

"...we had exclusive clients who love our products and come to us often. But most of all, we had regulars, loyal customers and clients who would visit almost every day because we gave them what they want and what they didn't know they needed- a little bit of caffeine..." she winked, making the staff chuckle, "...relaxation, communication and a place where they know they are valued, even if all they can afford is... the cheapest cup of coffee...or a muffin."

And "awww's" resounded throughout the room before Olivia continued.

"So, I do know business. But to me, it's not just about numbers, the profits or the money or competition...most of the time. It's also about the people. Actually, it should be more about the people. Without our loyal customers, or clients, or the staff, even the largest business... would be nothing."

The expressions of the people in the room started to light up. They even started nodding their heads in agreement. I suddenly felt pride surge in my chest. Though we practically practiced her speech, the way she carries herself is playing a big part. She glanced at me and I nodded at her. Now, let's add the drama.

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