Chapter 46: We Broke the Deal

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"Olivia. There's something I need to tell you."

My heart pounded once or twice. Is he going to tell me about his past?

Yes, I admit. I was surprised to learn that Harris-Moore is Judah's hometown. It isn't a detail Kingston made significant about Judah's life; but through research, I learned that he was Alistair's love-child... at least that's what they made the world believe.

But with that knowledge, I thought Harris-Moore was simply where Judah grew up before Alistair, his real dad, found him.

"Okay." I answered.

He stood up from his chair, only to sit on his king-sized bed. He tapped on the space beside him, gesturing for me to sit down. I obeyed, trying to conceal how my temperature rose when he asked me to sit on the bed. I removed my sandals before I stepped onto the carpet.

As my bottom met the cotton mattress, he let out a loud shaky breath, preparing himself. He clasped his hands together, and I knew he was nervous.

"Judah, you don't have to tell me if—"

"No." He smiled, "I want to tell you. I just... I hope this won't change the way you see me."

I gently squeezed his arm, inching closer, "No, of course not. What happened in the past is your business. I have no right to judge you or punish you for that."

He sighed in relief, "That's good to know. So, here goes..."

I moved farther from the edge of the bed, getting myself comfortable, but I also moved closer to Judah, holding him. I wanted to hold him tight. The way he's acting right now, I have a feeling this isn't gonna be easy for him to tell.

"You know that I was introduced to the world as dad's secret child, right?"

I nodded.

"I wasn't. We're not related at all. Not one bit of blood."

I limited my reaction to widened eyes instead of a loud gasp.

So, he was adopted? Huh.

No one can ever tell though. Judah looked similar to Alistair. Maybe that's why no one doubted him.

Judah continued, "My biological parents were from Harris-Moore. I was born and raised there. My family... we didn't have much, but we were alright. My mother was a stay-at-home wife. My father was a gun salesman, very popular item in town."

I sucked air through my teeth, "That's kinda terrible."

He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was. But it got us by. My father was proud of it. He was an expert. He wanted me to be like him but I had no intention of living that kind of life, of living in that town. I wanted something else. Something bigger. So, I studied hard."

I smirked, "Best student in town?"

"Oh, yeah. The smartest. Even the mayor acknowledged me. I just wanted to make something of myself. I wanted to a be a pilot. Have I ever told you that?"

My jaw dropped and I just immediately had this vision of Judah in uniform, "Uhm, no! I would've been daydreaming about a pilot Judah for days now if you have."

He laughed, "Right. I would've worn the uniform best among all airlines. Won't be so bad with the ladies either" —but his eyes widened as he spoke about ladies— "I mean...uhm..."

I did feel a slight pang in my chest when he mentioned flirting with other ladies, but I just decided to play along, "Well, you're not that bad with the ladies now."

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