Chapter 56: I Love You

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The lounge was filled with low-toned murmurs of men and women going over their presentations. Yet here I was, relaxing and sipping my coffee on the couch because my wife prepared everything flawlessly. I merely needed to skim through the outline and summaries she made. All she left for me was to present.

I'm sure she'll be busy right now, so I can't just call her. I took out my phone and stared at my screensaver to suffice the longing. It was our first picture together, the one we used to create the gossip and announcement of our marriage. She looked so shy and delicate, cozied and curled up on my lap. But her face didn't quite show here. I opened my gallery and scrolled through our pictures. Some from our dinner dates, our honeymoon, and our wedding. Most of them were scripted for publicity—fake, in a way. But looking at these now, it doesn't feel like that at all. I was with her, and these were true moments that we had together.

"I miss you," I sighed.

"My, my. Missing the wife already?" I heard a familiar ominous call from behind. I turned around to see Mr. Cesar Harrison, Clyde's father, staring down with a presumptuous smirk on his face. Much like our other encounters, he made sure to look like a regal Old English patriarch in a tux, vest, and leather soles. His graying hair is styled neatly, sleeked, almost blending with the skin of his forehead at its roots. Then, a low top hat and monocle to drive the theme over.

Who wears a top hat and monocle these days anyway?

I've never interacted much with him, but we've kept our formalities during events, as it is protocol among the elite. Unfortunately, the Investor's Meet is one of those events.

I stood up to greet him, removing any hint of goodwill, "Mr. Harrison. I didn't know you'll be the one representing. Isn't it supposed to be your son?"

"Well, how rude. Just because he's the acting head of Harrison, doesn't mean I'm already insignificant. I still have every right and responsibility to be here."

"I see. Well, you must be quite busy with the presentation, sir. So, if you'll excuse me," I nodded my head once and sat back on my chair, leaving him standing behind it. I took another sip of my coffee, disregarding his presence.

I've always known him to be a shady character. It only took me a while to figure out his son was the same. Judging by what they did to Olivia, it might be really in their blood. Heck, they were even capable of mass murder.

They were Kingston's rivals for a long time but the first time I found out for myself about how crooked they really are was just a few days after Clyde betrayed me.

I was expecting Clyde but found Cesar Harrison waiting in my office instead. I found it strange because he didn't set up an appointment, as corporate courtesy would expect them to do. Also, it was the first time we'd had a conversation alone. I didn't enter immediately because he was talking to someone over the phone.

I am a firm believer that eavesdropping is rude, but the devious conversation I overheard had me listening to it... out of precaution and eagerness to find out who I was really dealing with.

"Oh, who cares about the residents, Lance? Blow them up for all I care. We need that shop down the drain, in ruins and indebted to us. It will be a fine addition to HERMES. You know what, put a hold on that. Let's see what my dear son has to say."

I acted as if I heard nothing when we started talking, but that day, I learned to be doubtful of them before anything else. I should've shot down the partnership with Clyde after that, but I didn't pull the trigger. Maybe I was giving him a chance to prove that he's not involved with his father's deeds. But that chance led to my dad being crippled for the rest of his life.

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