Chapter 59: She Saved Me

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"Judah's real father didn't kill himself. It was Judah who pulled the trigger on him."

My world stopped for a moment. In my heart, I believed my husband so anything Cesar would say against him would only be a lie to me. But why? In the back of my mind, why do I think that it is possible?

I recalled the night Judah told me about his past. Those particular pauses he took when he talked about the death of his real parents-was he nervous for a different reason?

"Hmm. You're silent," Cesar smirked.

"You know what I would say."

"Ah, yes. You think I'm fibbing. Well, to be fair, that old man Alistair really did bury the evidence well. Those who handled the evidence were well compensated for hiding Judah's prints on the gun."

"So, you have nothing to show for your lies? If you're going to make things up about my husband, at least try to do it well so you won't look desperate."

"Desperate? Oh, my dear girl. When you have money, there's no need for desperation. You can always pay. And I did. I bought the evidence to use for myself... for such a glorious day as this," he stated proudly, extending his arms to the ceiling like a madman.

"Whatever you think you have on him... it won't change anything. Anyone can fake evidence and-"

I stopped speaking as I realized something. If what he's saying is real, how could he have known to get Judah's prints at that moment? How could he have known about Judah's parents in Harris Moore? Maybe he would learn about Judah through Alistair, but what made Cesar go as far as getting evidence from that night?

"You seem to be caught in thought."

"W-why?" I hesitated for a bit, "Why would you get such evidence?"


"You said Alistair paid them to delete the evidence, and you got it after by outbidding him. You couldn't have dug it up just now because the evidence would be long gone from the records. No. You got it at the same time it was... almost completely deleted. You got it from years ago."

He smiled, looking impressed... and arrogant now that I'd shown him skepticism, "You were always a clever girl, able to piece things together in a blink of an eye. That's why I chose you for my son. That and because you were foolish enough to fall in love."


"Oh? The answer to your question. Well, it's better if you ask your ex-husband. That is... if you live to see him."

"Clyde? What does Clyde know about Judah's past?"

He only shrugged as if he knew nothing, "Why are you asking me? He's the only one who knows. Now, that I've answered your question-"

"You've answered nothing."

"-let's revisit my proposition. You leave Judah and join Harrison again. Or die."

Even though everything he's been saying has been confusing, I was sure of my next reply.

"I will never. I am Olivia Kingston now and no threat of yours can change that."

He narrowed his eyes at me as if forcing me to say otherwise. I glared back at him, letting it sink through his brain that it was not going to happen.

Finally, he let out a sigh, "Fine. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this... but you would rather sacrifice innocent people than comply."


He tilted his head to the side, commanding one of his guards to grab something. The bulky man on my right grabbed a remote from the dark and pointed it toward a wall. He pushed a button and I heard a sound coming from the pile of junk near us. It was a small television-a model something Cesar would have had as a child. Despite the stripes and static noise, I could see the picture clearly. My heart dropped.

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