Chapter 33: She's a Fast Learner (2)

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Olivia continued, "I have heard a great deal about all of you from my husband. How you dedicate yourselves to the company, our clients and customers. You are the reason why Kingston is an excellent brand. So, don't get me wrong. I adore Kingston for the way it is and I believe in our brand's seven-star quality. But I believe we can sell more than luxury." As we practiced, she pointed at one of the staff, "You there."

"Me?" His name was Carson, young and newly promoted to the big leagues. All heads immediately turned to him, which made him move a few steps backwards.

"Carson, right?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I read your file." She took a few steps closer, "Oxford scholar. Only three years in marketing but you have the most impressive sales record."

"T-thank you..."

"You have a family?" Olivia added.

"U-umm, yes ma'am. Both parents. Five younger siblings." He answered out loud.

"Ah. You're a scholar with the high paying job, so I'm guessing... breadwinner?"

He looked around the room before nodding his head.

Olivia put on a warm expression, "What if I told you that all of your siblings will be able to graduate college and your parents can afford the house of their dreams? And even travel the world by their own means?"

Carson's eyes lit up. He let out a breath, nodding, "That's the dream, ma'am."

"Isn't it? For all of us?" Olivia smiled, turning to address all of the people, "I know that most of you come from esteemed schools and organizations. You have earned your place among the elites. But even so, I assume that most of you weren't born with a silver spoon. Surely, you have people in your life that are depending on you, people in your life that you want to help. Think back. Who are these people to you and what do you want to do for them?"

The room got quieter. The whispers from before died down. The eyes in the room were completely on Olivia, if not, looking down in thought. Some of them even looked like they were about to cry.

Needless to say, I was very impressed with how she can elicit emotion from a group of busy and dead serious people. Even I myself was moved as she was speaking.

"What I want for this company, as your Mrs. Kingston, is for it to be closer to the people, but not only to our customers, clients or partners. But also, to those who can't afford to be them. Instead of people reaching for Kingston's standards, I hope for Kingston to reach the people instead." She declared, lifting her head up, "We can do more than sell and make money. We can be more than a commercial business."

The staff started nodding in agreement as Olivia's voice became louder.

"We can help and make a difference. We can be a catalyst for the good in your community, in this city, and in the world." She started walking around the room, looking at people in the eye, "And I know that most of you will think that this might turn Kingston into a charity center. Maybe our partners might see it that way. But that's why I need your help."

Everyone looked at each other again before turning to her. But this time, their expressions became less doubtful. They became more attentive, as if waiting to receive a command.

"I want Kingston to be a company that will help others. But I don't want to risk the reputation generations of Kingston has worked hard on. That's why I need your help to both progress and preserve Kingston's brand. So that the world will see us not as a charitable organization... but a hero. A business run by modern day heroes. A seven-star corporation inside and out. And I can't do that without your help."

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