53 - The Thing Ting Kept Refusing to Do

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For Ting Shuang, who still didn’t know what he liked to do, he could still take his time to ponder about the impact the conversation between him and Bai Changyi on the roof that day had on him.

For now, he had two top priorities.

Firstly, Bai Laoban’s birthday was approaching.

Secondly, the exam period was also approaching. He had several exams in early August, and then several exams after autumn vacation, in late September and early October.

Regarding his first priority, this was what Ting Shuang thought of it——

People celebrated birthdays mainly out of filial piety(?), so it was natural that he had to organise something big for this elder of his.(1)

He had looked at the calendar in advance, and July 27 was a Saturday. The advantage of it being a Saturday was that Bai Changyi was usually free, and he could also take time off from the cafe where he worked. But the disadvantage of it being a Saturday was that Bai Changyi was free, so it wasn’t convenient for him to prepare a surprise for Bai Changyi.

After thinking about it, the only chance he had was on Saturday morning. Ever since they’d gotten Vico, they would take Vico out for walks in the morning and evening.

On the morning of July 27, Ting Shuang decided to send Bai Changyi off to bring his son out.

On the night of July 26th, Ting Shuang pretended he didn’t know anything, and spent the full night in the study, revising for the first exam in early August. At eleven o’clock, he told Bai Changyi that he was very sleepy, so he was going to sleep.

On the morning of July 27th, Bai Changyi woke up, kissed him, and was mercilessly pushed away, “Mm… Papa, bring your son out to play today… I want to sleep a little longer.”

Bai Changyi whispered in his ear, “What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it back for you.”

That voice had a magnetism unique to when he’d just woken up, tickling his heart.

Ting Shuang wanted to stay with Bai Changyi, but he held back for the sake of his birthday surprise. He pretended that he couldn’t wake up, turned over, and covered his head with the blanket, exuding drowsiness, “Anything’s fine… Stop talking… I want to sleep…”

Bai Changyi got up, picked up his glasses gently, put them on, and left the bedroom without making a sound.

Ting Shuang waited under the blanket for a long time, not knowing whether he had really left the house. After a few minutes, he tentatively pulled off the covers and observed his surroundings.

Very good, the target had left the bedroom.

On his tiptoes, Ting Shuang got off the bed, leaned his back against the frame of the bedroom door, and stuck his head out.

Next to it, the bathroom door was open, but there was no sign of movement inside.

The target should have gone downstairs.

Ting Shuang quickly slid over to the stairs, observing the situation downstairs through the railings.

The target was drinking water.

Damn, the target was sexy.

Ting Shuang stepped back a bit to avoid being discovered.

From downstairs, there was a soft sound of the drawer being opened. The target was probably taking the leash out.


Vico knew he was going out when he saw Bai Changyi take the leash out, and was very excited.

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