Chapter 9: Bay of Pigs (Short)

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All Sora can see is darkness. Then, he starts coughing, and waking up. He shakes his head, trying to clear his head. He looks around, and sees that he's in a room with TV monitors in front of him. Sitting next to him is a man. It's his friend, Alex Mason. They're both strapped to chairs. Sora can barely see anything. 

Interrogator: Wake up. WAKE UP! 

Sora: Wha...?

Mason: Sora? Where are we? Where's Reznov? 

Sora: I don't know. 

Interrogator: You will answer our questions. Do you understand?

They both look up, but bright lights are blocking the window in the other room above them to see who's talking to them.

Mason: Who the heck are you?

Interrogator: That's not important. What's important is who you two are. What are your names? 

Mason: Crud you. 

Interrogator: Where were you born?

Mason: Kiss our butts! 

Just then, something shocks them both. They both scream in pain. 

Interrogator: Your name is Alex Mason. You were born in Fairbanks, Alaska. And your name is Sora. You came from your friends, who you've been traveling with for a long time. In 1961, you both served in a CIA assassination team known as Operation 40. Is that correct? 

They both remain quiet from that. Then, they both get shocked again, making them scream. 

Interrogator: Is that correct?

Both: Yes.

Then, numbers appear on the monitors. They both look at them.  

Interrogator: What is the broadcast station?

Mason: I don't know what you're talking about. 

Interrogator: The numbers, boys. What do they mean? Where are they broadcast from? 

Mason: I don't know anything about any numbers!

Sora: Neither do I!

Then, a Russian man's face appears on the monitor in front of them. 

Interrogator: What about Dragovich? Do you remember him? Give us what we want and we'll guarantee your safety. 

They both look at the monitor. Then, they both scream as they get shocked again. 

Interrogator 2: Stop! Stop it! Stop doing that to them! 

Interrogator: We need to! Let's start at the beginning. Cuba, 1961. The Bay of Pigs. We know you were there.

Images start appearing inside their heads as they remember everything they went through together. 

Mason: (Panting) No...

Interrogator: Don't lie to me, Mason. I know when you're lying. '61. Bay of Pigs. What happened?

Mason: (Laughs) We all got killed. 

Interrogator: There's no use lying, Mason. We know you went in with Woods and Bowman. 

Then, two men appear in their minds. They are Mason's friends and teammates. 

Mason: Woods...and Bowman. (Panting, groaning)

Sora: That was also when me and my friends first met Mason and his two friends. We were there in Cuba. 

Interrogator: Dragovich. Do you both remember Dragovich? 

Mason: Castro... We went in to kill Castro. 

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