Chapter 2: Retrieval attempts

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: The Sandlot

From the treehouse window, the view shows Mr. Mertle's yard. The Base Ruth baseball is in the yard, all chewed up, and covered in dog drool. It lays 15 or 20 yards from the Beast's lean-to. 

Older Scotty narrating: After we'd all thought about it real hard, we had absolutely no idea what the heck we were gonna do. So things started primitively.

The kids are in the backyard. They all walk over to the side fence. Timmy and Tommy remove a board as Yang and Kenny bring a broom, and remove the stick. Squints, Weiss, and Sae are up in the treehouse, keeping an eye out for the beast. Kai kicks a hole in the fence for Ham to stick the stick in. Everyone watches.

Weiss: Ok, it's all clear. 

Squints: Go.

Kai helps Ham out with the stick. They both see the ball ahead.

Kai: There it is. 

Squints: Farther. 

Ham: Farther, okay. Kai, let's push it carefully and quietly. 

They both push the stick in farther into the yard towards the ball. Sora and Momo peak down into the hole. The stick reaches the ball, and it's on its left side. 

Sae: Uh, oh. You didn't go far enough. 

Squints: She's right. Just a little bit farther. 

Roxas: But wait, if we get farther, then what?

Kai: Then, we'll try to--

Just then, the beast appears, and steps on the ball and stick as it snarls. Everyone's eyes widen in horror and fear. Squints, Sae, and Weiss all scream in fear. Everyone all yells as they all pull on the stick, trying to pull it back. 

Kai: Get the stick out! Get it!

Ham is holding onto the stick as everyone helps him. Benny, Sora, Ruby, Kai and Yuu hold onto Ham as they struggle with the Beast's strength. They all hear cracking noises from the other side. And finally, they all pull the stick back, but only half of it. They all see it was bitten off, and it's all covered in drool. They all yell in shock as they look at it. Kai throws it away. 

Riku: Great. Well, that didn't work. Now what?

Scott: Wait. I've got an idea. 

They all listen to his idea, and they all nod at this. Minutes later, they all get the idea ready. 

Squints: Farther. 

They all use a big piece of erector. At the end is a big frying pan taped to it. They all push it into the yard. It makes a creaking noise as it moves. 

Ham: Go to the right a little bit. Put the back to the right. 

Toji: You heard him. Go to the right. 

The pan is almost at the ball. It makes more creaking noises. Sae keeps an eye out for the beast. She doesn't see it yet. 

Weiss: A little bit farther. You're almost on it. 

Jaune: She's right, guys. I see it. Turn, rotate it. 

They turn the pan over to fit the ball in. 

Squints: Almost.

They all gently set it down on the ball. Squints and the girls smile. 

Sae: Guys, you got it. Pull it back. 

Ham: I got it!

Timmy: Got it, guys.

Ren: Alright, pull it. 

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