Chapter 47: Meteor shower in N.Y.C.

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Armageddon

The heroes are now back in New York. It's a beautiful morning. They go separately as they walk through the city. They see people walking and driving through the city. As they're walking by the Flatiron Building, they see some people reading some newspapers, something about what just happened in space. The heroes remember what happened to the space shuttle up there, and they knew people would hear about it. Then, they come across a tv store, and it's about to show the news. 

TV: We interrupt our regulary scheduled program to bring you this special report. 

Just then, a young man on a ride with a dog come up to them and another man.

Man: What happened?

Man 2: Shh, shh, shh. 

Then, the news comes on, and everyone listens.

Newsman on TV: The shuttle Atlantis exploded in space at 3:47 a.m., Eastern Standard time. 

As they watch this, Zwei, Kiwi, and the man's dog suddenly run at something while growling. They're running at Godzilla and dinosaur toys. They ram into them, making the toys roar out. The owner of the toys hears this, and looks down. He sees the dogs messing around with the toys.

Man: Hey! (Gets up, and pulls a toy) Get, get.

Zwei and Kiwi help the dog out as they pull the toy. Then, the dog bites on the inflatable Godzilla. The man grabs it. 

Man: That's my Godzilla. Come on, now! (Pulls it up) 

He kicks them away, making them yelp. The young man, Odd, and Ruby hear this. They turn and see this.

Ruby: Hey!

Man: Yo, fool! Don't be kicking little Richard. What the heck your problem? 

Man 2: Those dogs are eating my Godzilla. What are little runts like you gonna do about it?

Odd: Oh, you wanna see what we can do?

Young man: Get him, Richard. Sic him.

The dogs start barking at the man. 

Ruby: I'd kick you right in your face for hurting my dog!

Young man: If I wasn't no Christian, I'd be throwing your fat pineapple-eating butt through the window. 

Odd: Yeah, what he said! 

But before a fight could start, they all hear something in the air. They all look up, and gasp. A meteor started coming down on them. It lands on the man, causing an explosion. Everyone around all scream and shout in shock. A taxi car gets hit by the explosion, and it gets thrown in the road. As it does, a police car crashes into it. More cars crash. The heroes are all on the ground. They all get up, and look around. 

Sora: What was that?!

Donald: It looked like a meteor! 

Yuu: Oh, man. This is New York City. Anything could happen here. 

Yang, Weiss, Aelita, and Jeremy run to Ruby and Odd. They see that they're both okay. The young man is okay too. Minor wounds. 

Yang: Ruby! You okay?

Ruby: Yes. I'm okay.

Odd: I'm fine, too. Big headache though. 

Aelita: Oh, thank goodness. 

Odd: Wait. Where's Kiwi?

Ruby: And Zwei! 

Young man: (Looks at the dog leash) Little Richard! 

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