Chapter 27: Axis Chemicals, birth of Joker

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Batman

At the entrance of Axis Chemicals, police cars are parked by the gate. The heroes are nearby, hiding. They're watching the police officers getting posters of Jack from Lieutenant Eckhardt. He's handling them to them. They hear him talking to them.

Eckhardt: Alright, take a good look. This is the guy. Alright, get a good look. Shoot to kill. You know what I mean? Alright, let's move out. 

They all head for the building to get inside. The heroes watch them, and then look at each other. King Mickey looks at them. 

Mickey: I know. Looks like we got ourselves a tight spot before Bruce gets here. We must help him out when he comes.

They all nod, and they sneak inside the building. Meanwhile, in the building, young Jason Todd manages to sneak inside without anyone seeing him. He now has Jack Napier right where he wants him. He walks around to find him. Then, he finds the men in the main office room. He sees that they're raiding the office, looking for the files. He also sees that they're trying to get in the safe. They managed to cut it open. He listens to what they're saying. And he hears Napier talking.

Jack: We've been ratted out here, boys. Watch it. 

Jason realizes that the records have been taken. He goes to hide out of sight as the men come out of the office. Jason smirks as he pulls out his gun. He aims for when Napier comes out. He sees him, and is about to fire, when...

Police officer: Freeze! 

Jason looks, and sees the police. The men see them, and pull out their guns. They fire at them. Then, a gunfight starts. Napier runs off as his men all split up. One of the men gets shot. Jason sees Napier running up steps, and goes after him. The heroes are all inside. They hear the gunfire, and rush quietly. They all look around, but don't see anyone yet. Then, they hear a man's voice. 

Man on bullhorn speaker: This is Commissoner Gordon. I want him taken alive. I repeat, any man who opens fire on Jack Napier will answer to me. 

They all look at each other, and shrug. They continue onward. Jason heard him, and scoffs. Like heck he was gonna be taken alive. He continues following Jack. He hears him messing around with the control gears and buttons on the machines. Almost like he's trying to keep the cops from getting him. He also hears the police shooting at his men somewhere. The heroes also split up. Sora takes Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy with him. They see the police firing at two men. The men managed to shoot at some pipes, causing steam and toxin to leak out. The police retreat. The men laugh at this, and run off. Then, they get ambush by Sora and his group.

Sora: Surprise! 

They take out their weapons, and jump at them. They tackle him to the floor, and roll around, trying to get the guns out of their hands. Mickey meets up with them, just as Batman shows up too. He glides down, and lands. He sees Sora having trouble with the man. He pulls out a grappling hook device, and shoots the hook at the man. The hook hits the man's right shoulder. He groans as he feels it. Then, Batman pulls him forward, making him fall over a railing. He screams as he falls. Batman then ties the line to the railing, stopping the man's fall. He's now hanging. 

Man: Let me down! Uh! Let me down!

The heroes all watch as he hangs and swings. Two police officers and Commissoner Gordon are now below the man. They spot Batman himself. Gordon is shocked to see him.

Gordon: Oh, my gosh. 

Batman looks at the heroes, and nod at them. They leave the man hanging down, letting the police take care of him. With Jason, he continues going after Napier. He spots him. And then, he hears the police coming their way. 

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