Chapter 35: Let's find out

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Small Soldiers.

The next few weeks, in the town, a brother and sister are riding their bikes through town after school. The siblings smile at each other, enjoying their time on their bikes. Their names are Alan and Crystal. They're on their way to their father's toy store. He's going out of town, and he's leaving them in charge of his store. They make it to the store, "The Inner Child". They park their bikes in front of the store, and they see a grandmother and her granddaugher looking inside the store from the window. 

Grandmother: This looks like a nice store. Look at those toys. 

Grandson: (Pulls them away) Come on, grandma. This place never has anything good. 

Crystal scoffs at the boy's rude way. Alan holds her hand, and calms her. They both go in the store, and go at the desk. They both sit down, and wait for customers to come in. They're reading toy magazines. Their dad's business is not going so good, but it's still open. Everyone doesn't think the toys from the old days are good. As they read, a Heartland truck pulls up by the building. They see it, and go to the back to meet up with the driver. It's a driver they know. 

Driver: Hey, Alan and Crystal. 

Crystal: Hi, Joe.

He's opening the back of the truck as they get the carts ready. 

Joe: How's the world treating you both? 

Alan: You, Joe, are the highlight of our day. 

Joe: Well, geez, kid. Tough break. 

Crystal: Is this a new truck?

Joe: New owner. See? (Shows the back of his jacket) Yeah. Pretty soon, everything in the world's...gonna be owned by one giant corporation. Then it's goodbye microbreweries. So, uh, where's your dad? I got his order here. 

Alan: Uh, he's going out of town tonight. Some seminar. 

Joe: Wait a second. He left you and your sister in charge? 

Alan: Hey, I was as surprised as you. I think he's finally starting to trust me again. Or maybe he didn't have choice. 

Crystal: Dad loves you, Alan. He knows you're trying so hard to earn his trust.

They take the boxes from the truck, and put them on the carts as they talk. 

Joe: So, what's the seminar your dad's going to?

Alan: "How to make a success of your small business." My suggestion was torch the place. 

Joe: Not a good idea. Arson forensics nowadays is very sophisticated. 

Crystal: Yeah. 

Just then, they see some boxes that has toy figures inside. They all say, Gorgonite, Commando Elite, Guardian Heroes, and Feudal Era Heroes play figures. 

Alan: "Gorgonites and Commando Elite." 

Crystal: "Guardian Heroes and Feudal Era Heroes." What are those, Joe?

Joe: (Looks at the boxes, and at them) Let's find out.

They take some of the boxes in the back of the store to check them out. They open the boxes, and take out toy packs. Inside them are the leaders of the groups. Major Chip Hazard, Archer, Sora, Kai, Ruby, Jaune, Yuu, Jeremy, and Inuyasha. They lay them down on the table, and open up the packs. They take out Chip Hazard first. Joe takes him out, and sets him down. 

Joe: Ten-hut! 

Chip: (Salutes) Major Chip Hazard, reporting for duty, sir. 

Joe: (Chuckles)

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