Chapter 26: History of the One-Ring

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

In Lord Elrond's room, he, and Gandalf lead Sora, Inuyasha, Ruby, Jeremy, Aelita, Kai, Momo, Yuu, Ren, Donald, and Kikyo into the room, so they can tell them about the One Ring. They both look at them. 

Gandalf: You may want to sit down, my friends, for this is going to be a long tale to be told.

Everyone sits down, and looks at Elrond. 

Elrond: It began thousands of years ago, during the time of the Second Age. Right now, it is the Third Age of our world. It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to my people, the elves, immortal, wisest, and fairest of all beings. Seven were given to the Dwarf-lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And finally, nine, nine rings were given to the race of Men, who, above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race. 

Sora: Really? I mean, rings in this world gave these people that much power?

Gandalf: Indeed. These were no ordinary rings. They were known as the Rings of Power, magical rings. 

Elrond: But unforunately, every one of them had been deceived, for another ring was made, this one, was different and full of evil. 

He takes out something from under a desk, and unrolls it. It's a map of Middle Earth. They all look at the map, and see the whole land on it. Then, their eyes draw to a land on the map, a name that Gandalf said. 

Elrond: In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a Master Ring to control all others. And into this ring, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. Written in flames, it says, "One Ring to rule them all."

Upon hearing that, it gives the heroes chills in their hearts. Elrond paces around. 

Elrond: The elves were aware of Sauron's treachery, the moment he put on his ring, so the rings were taken off and kept safe. 

Ren: So out of 19 rings, one was made for pure evil. And you kept three safe from his.

Elrond: Correct. The dwarves were too stubborn to fall to Sauron, but the men were not. Blinded by their own greed for power, they took the nine rings without question, and one by one, fell into darkness. They are now the Nazgul, his most powerful servants. 

They all look at each other, and frown. They couldn't believe that men in this world would easily fall into darkness for power. 

Elrond: One by one, the Free Lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the slopes of Mount Doom, we fought for the freedom of Middle-earth.

Jeremy: We? You mean, you were there? But you said thousands of years ago, and yet, you barely look...50 years old. 

Elrond: Yes, I was there. As a lieutenant under the command of Lord Gil-Galad. As I said, the elves are immortal. We lived for a long time, and we never age. But that doesn't mean we're invincible. We can still be killed in battle. 

Kikyo: But what happened in the battle?

Elrond: The battle was long, and deadly, for many brave men and elves lost their lives in battle, even Gil-Galad himself. But it was their sacrifices, victory was near, but the power of the Ring could not be undone. Sauron himself had come out to face us all. The power of the Ring allowed him to slay many of our men in just one strike from his mace. Elendil, High King of Gondor and Arnor charged at Sauron to try and battle him, but he too was struck down. It was in that moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword. Sauron stepped on the sword, and the sword shattered. Sauron was about to finish off the young king, but the broken sword was still sharp enough, and with one quick strike, he cut off Sauron's fingers and the One Ring along with them. And with that, Sauron imploded. Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated. 

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