Chapter 43: Carnival of chaos, cat at play, Pyrrha alive?!

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Batman Returns.

In Wayne Manor, the heroes are gathered around the table, after hearing what happened at Disney Castle. 

Donald: What?! The Jack's Knight monster card was stolen from the King's chest?!

Weiss: Then it had to be someone from the castle!

Goofy: Yeah, but no one would do that to the King.

Weiss: Then who else?

Goofy doesn't give her an answer. Then, Riku and Sora walking in.

Sora: Alright. The king is contacting us right now. 

He sets down a comunnication device, and the King's voice is heard on it.

Mickey: Alright. No matter who it was, the fact remains that Maleficent has the card and Jack's Knight power. We have got to get it back fast. 

Donald: (Sighs) That won't be easy. Whoever that was, she's a pretty skilled fighter. 

Everyone looks down as they know he's right. In the castle of dark illusions, Maleficent and her minions are gathered, pleased that the heroes lost to their fighter. 

Invader: If the heroes fight, they'll be destroyed. If they run, the worlds will be ours. 

Pete: Either way they choose, we win. (Laughs)

Maleficent: (To fighter) You have mastered the powers of the Jack's Knight monster, thus proving yourself worthy of being its master. Now we'll use those powers to finally rid of those heroes. 

The fighter says nothing as she looks down at the card in her hand. Back at the manor, the heroes are still sitting at the table, thinking. They need to find out who that fighter is, and why is she helping Maleficent. Just then, Bruce comes in. He looks at everyone. 

Bruce: The circus gang is back. We've got work to do. Let's go. 

They all get up, and rush to the Batcave. In the city, the circus gang are causing riots in the city. Destroying stores, and hurting people. The Heartless are also helping them. People are running in fear from them. Two circus thugs are picking on a man as he runs out of a store. As he runs, they bump into Batman. He grabs them, and slams their faces together. The heroes arrive too, and they fight the gang and Heartless. The gang drops what they're doing, and attack the heroes. They try to fight hard as they can, but they're getting beaten by the heroes. Batman turns to see four more. One with a rocket launcher, another with nunchunks, another with two swords, and a woman with her dog, growling. He takes out a batarang, an automatic one. He pushes some buttons on it to make four targets. He tosses it at them. It hits them hard in their faces. As it's about to reach the woman, her dog jumps up and catches it with its mouth. He looks down at it, and at her. She walks away as another thug comes in with a sword in his mouth. He tries to fight, but Batman blocks his attacks, and pulls the sword out of his mouth. He punches him in the face. A clown comes running up to him with a bomb in his chest. He gets punched in the face, and Batman takes the bomb from him. He punches him again, sending him on the ground. He walks off as the heroes finish off the Heartless. They're about to follow after him until they all see something in the air. It's an orange light and it flies pass the heroes. They watch it, and see that it crashed in downtown. 

Sora: We'll have to catch up to Batman later! Let's go see where that landed! 

The heroes all go downtown while letting Batman take care of the problem. Coming out of the corner, Jason in his outfit, hood and mask. He watches the heroes leave, and follows after Bruce. The blue light that landed is the black cloak girl. She stands up, and laughs evilly as people surround her. They hear her laugh, and they run away. The heroes arrive, and see her. 

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