Chapter 42: Alternate timeline

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Terminator: Genisys. 

With the two machines, they spot three men over at a telescope by a gate. They both walk over to them. Robotic Knight disguises himself as a man wearing a suit. One of the men spot them. 

Punk 2: Hey, hey! (Points at them) What's wrong with this picture?

The punks start laughing at the naked Terminator. They all stand away from the telescope as the two machines in disguise walk in front of them. 

Punk: Nice night for a walk, eh? 

Terminator: Nice night for a walk. 

Punk 2: Wash day tomorrow. Nothing clean, right?

Terminator: Nothing clean, right. 

Punk: (To Robotic Knight) Hey, buddy. I think your friend here is a couple cans short of a six-pack. 

Robotic Knight: Actually, he only wants one thing from you. 

Terminator: Your clothes, give them to me. Now. 

Punk: (Pulls out a knife) Hey, screw you, a-hole. 

Voice: You won't be needing any clothes. 

Voice 2: And your time has come to an end, Robotic Knight. 

Both machines turn around, and see four people walking towards them. Robotic Knight scans them, and sees that they're familiar warriors. And the other one is another Terminator. A T-800 model. It removes its hood, to reveal an aged Terminator model. The other three remove their hoods, to reveal themselves as King Mickey, Queen Minnie, and Pyrrha. They all look at them.

All: We've been waiting for you. 

Both machines charge at them. The Terminator fires his shotgun at the Terminator. The punks exclaims as they all run out of there. The Terminator continues firing at the Terminator as the three heroes take out their cards.

Mickey: King's Knight!

Minnie: Queen's Knight!

Pyrrha: Jack's Knight!

They summon the three warriors, and they charge at Robotic Knight. Both Terminators fight each other. The three warriors fight Robotic Knight as he melts away his disguise to reveal his true form. The three heroes watch as their monsters fight the machine monster. The Terminator throws the other one at another telescope, breaking it off. He picks it up, and uses it to hit the Terminator. He hits it with it twice in its face, and the coins come out of it. Half of the Terminator is ripped off, revealing its true face. The Terminator puts down the broken scope, and charge at it again. The three warriors use their shields to block Robotic Knight's machine gun attack. As the battle goes on, Pyrrha turns around, and sees someone on top of the building behind them. The shooter watches the fight. The Terminator gets kicked in the chest, and getssent flying backwards. He lands on a fence, breaking it. He also notices his right hand is whirrling. It's broken. Jack's Knight charges in, and clashes swords with Robotic Knight. Robotic Knight grunts as he tries to get him, but Queen's Knight comes in, and slashes him in the back. He yells in pain, and growls. Pyrrha turns around, and signals the shooter. The shooter then fires at the Terminator, shooting it through its chest, taking down one of its power supply in its chest. It starts to power down. Then, the shooter shoots at Robotic Knight, shooting his head off. He screams as his head comes off. It lands on the ground, and his body lands on the ground, exploding. The head's eyes turn off. The Terminator falls down on its knees, and it shuts down. The other Terminator gets up, and looks back at the shooter. He gives the shooter a thumb up. The three heroes smile at this as they return their monsters into their cards. Looks like they got this part done. With the heroes, they're with Kyle, who is putting on the homeless guy's pants. As he does, they all hear sirens wailing. They all turn around, and see a police car stopping in front of the alley. A police officer comes out of the car, and runs at them.

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