Chapter 10: Counterattack

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In El Toro, Sora, Riku, Donald, Roxas, Kai, Momo, Ruby, Yang, Yumi, Odd, and William are in the briefing room with Steven and Jimmy along with the pilots. They're getting briefed about the counterattack. And the heroes are gonna join in the counterattack. Sora hands out ice cream bars to his friends. They're gonna save them when they see success on the attack. Sora then notices the pilots, along with Steve and Jimmy are handing out cigars in metal cases. As they do, they're listening to their commanding officer of the attack. He shows them a mad of where the ship is at.

Officer: You men will be the first wave in our counterattack. Our target is to the morth centered above what remains of downtown Los Angeles...

As he talks, Sora looks at his friends. 

Sora: You all scared?

Riku: No, we're not. You?

Sora: Nope. We all can handle this. 

Odd: (Looks, and jokes as he leans on Yumi's shoulder) Hold me.

Yumi: (Laughs) Odd!

Ruby: (Hits him a little) Hey, come on. Pay attention. 

Riku notices that Jimmy is doing the same to Steve. He chuckles at this. The officer looks at them and at Steve. 

Officer: Something you want to add to this briefing, Captain Hiller and Sora?

Steve: No, sir. We're just a little anxious to get up there and whup E.T.'s butt, that's all. 

Sora: Yeah, what he said. 

All the pilots laugh at that. Sora and his friends laugh at that too. The officer nods at them.

Officer: And you'll get your chance. 

They all look at him. 

Officer: You'll all get your chance. And remember, Sora and his friends are good at this. If those flying Heartless show up, they'll give you all support. Good hunting. Dismissed. 

Jimmy: (To Steve) Let's kick the tires, and light the fires, big daddy. 

Everyone get up to leave the room to go outside. All the pilots get their gear on, and pick up their helmets. Outside, the planes are all ready for combat. The heroes are walking outside. They see the pilots getting in their planes. Sora spots Weiss and Winter ahead. They all walk to them. 

Winter: Alright, guys. This is it. You're gonna need all the luck you'll need. 

Sora: We know. 

Odd: Then let's bring it on. We'll put those aliens and Heartless back home in body bags, boys. You loose?

Sora: Yeah, dog boy. You got your victory bar? 

Odd: (Shows them his ice cream bar) Well, I got it right here! Whoo! 

Roxas: (Stops him from opening it) Hey, don't open it, man. We don't open it until victory, remember that. 

Odd: I'm all ears, guys. 

Weiss: Good luck, guys. And be careful. 

They all pump fist each others' hands, and they summon their dragons and monsters. They all climb on their dragons and monsters. Before Kai and Momo get on theirs, they both kiss each other for luck. They smile at each other, and climb on their dragons. They put their headsets on, so they can listen to the pilots. 

Riku: (Points at Sora) You the man, Sora!

Sora: You too!

The planes all take off, along with the dragons and monsters. Meanwhile, on Air Force One, Thomas, General Grey, Nimzicki, Jeremy, Aelita, Kairi, Namine, Goofy, and Penny are in a control room onboard the plane, as they're about to start the counterattack. The officers set up everything. 

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