Chapter 17: The game, it's started

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Jigsaw.

In the gummi ship, the heroes are about to head down to a familiar world. They've just gotten word from Disney Castle that King Mickey went missing while going down onto the world. And so is Queen Minnie. Now, they've stopped the ship, and go to the teleportation room. Then, they all teleport down onto the world. They make it down there. Sora looks around, and sees they're back in the world of Jigsaw. Sora sighs, remembering all the things that he and his friends went through because of Jigsaw's games. Even in death, his games still go on. Just then, Sora hears sirens in the distance. 

Sora: Let's go, guys.

They all follow the sirens. They run through the city to follow them. As they run, Sora starts feeling deja vu about this. Just then, they see police cars about to set up spikes. They watch as the police throw down some spikes on the road, where a dark red car is speeding towards. The car runs over the spikes, popping the tires. The car continues driving, but is going out of control. Until it crashes into a police car. Then someone breaks through the driver's window. The heroes see it's a man. He looks back to another police car coming as he pants. He hops out of the car, and runs inside a warehouse. The car stops in front of warehouse, and two cops come out.

Police officer: Suspect on foot, entering warehouse. In pursuit. 

They chase after him in the warehouse. The heroes look at each other, and hop to the roof of the warehouse. They all wait for the suspect to come up. After two minutes, he comes onto the the roof. He looks around, and runs ahead. The heroes follow after him as the two cops come onto the roof too, and chase after him. Sora and his friends land on a platform, and see the man. He looks around, and he spots a X. He runs to it, and then he finds something. He pulls it out, and reveals to a trigger remote. Then, the heroes jump down in front of him, summoning their weapons. 

Riku: Don't move! 

Nora: He's got something in his hand! Look!

Just then, the police show up, pointing their guns at the man. 

Police officer: Freeze! Stop right there! Put down the weapon!

Police officer 2: (Looks at the heroes) Who are you people? Are you with him?

Sora: No. I'm Sora, and these are my friends. You might have heard of us before. Haven't you?

The officers look at each other, remembering the history of these kids. They all look back at them, and nod at them. Then, they look at the man.

Man: You can't stop it now. Nothing can stop it. 

Police officer: On the ground! On the ground. Drop it, right now!

Man: Halloran. Detective Halloran. If he's not here in 17 minutes, seven people are going to die. Get Halloran here, now! 

The heroes look at each other, and at the officers. Sora looks at the clock tower beside them, and sees it's 17 minutes before noon. Kairi frowns as she looks at the remote. She thinks that the remote is something bad. After 16 minutes past, the man keeps shouting the name Halloran. 

Man: Where the heck is Halloran? People are gonna die, man! Doesn't he know?

Just then, two detectives come onto the rooftop with two more cops. One of them is Halloran. 

Halloran: All of you, get back. 

Man: Halloran!

Halloran: Edgar! Edgar, what the heck are you doing? You put down that remote. 

Edgar: I can't. 

Halloran: What's that for?

Edgar: The games are just getting started. 

Halloran: What game?

Edgar: His games, his rules. I gotta choose who dies. Them or me. 

Halloran: (Pulls out his gun, and aims at him) Edgar, I don't want to shoot you, but I will. Drop the remote. 

Detective: I got him, should I take it?

Halloran: No, no, no. Target the remote. If he moves to trigger it, blow it to crap. 

Ruby takes out her Crescent Rose, and switches it to sniper rifle mode. She aims for the remote. 

Edgar: Running out of time!

Detective: Who else is there?

Halloran: Edgar! Tell us what's going on! Who's controlling you?

Edgar: I'm not freaking dying. 

Yumi: No, don't pull that trigger!

Inuyasha: Stop him!

Edgar pulls the trigger, and everyone shoots for the remote. The remote gets shot to pieces, and Edgar's left hand is also shot to pieces. He drops down on the ground. Everyone lowers their weapons. Halloran and his partner walk over to him with Sora, Jeremy, Kagome, Kai, and Ruby. They check him out, and they see that he was shot in the chest on the left side. 

Jeremy: Oh, snap. He got shot in the chest. 

Halloran: (To officers) Which one of you a-holes shot him in the chest?

Ruby: It wasn't me. I was aiming for the remote. 

Sora: He wasn't talking to you, Ruby. 

Ruby: But I'm just letting him know that. 

Edgar: The's started.

Kai: (To Edgar) What game are you talking about? Answer us. 

Edgar: His game...

Edgar closes his eyes, and passes out. Kagome checks on him, and sees that he's still alive. She looks at the heroes, and at Sora. Sora has a feeling that this game could be another one of Jigsaw's games. And it might have something to do of what happened to Mickey and Minnie. He stands up, and walks to the others. Kairi looks at him, and holds his hand. Looks like they got themselves another game to go through.  

Here's the sneak peek of Kingdom Hearts: Jigsaw. For season 2. And in this one, Mickey and Minnie will be part of the game. If you saw the movie, you all might know what will happen. And for the Saw movies, I need help for them. Should Maleficent and her evil be involved with John Kramer and his traps? Let me know. And let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.     

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