ch 16:Two, not one!!

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     I came home and hurried inside my room.I saw Ann's footwear,she must be studying inside her room. In order to confirm,I called out her name loudly.She opened the door and peeked outside.She was wearing a facial mask,something green in colour.She looked like a zombie.
   I showed her a thumbs up and ran to my room.
   I was stomping across the room.I held my hands in the air,parallel to each other in order to calm myself down.
   'Why are you in a hurry?What can you do?"I thought to myself.
    It was absolutely right.I didn't know the root cause of this.Without knowing that,how can I look for a cure!!
    I tried to calm myself.I was so scared for some reason.I eventually started thinking that he could be a ghost!
   'He must have died that night.As I was the last one who saw him,he's trying to fullfil all his wishes through me,like the ones you see in movies.Or else he must have been angry with me thinking that I caused his death,so he must be trying to kill me!!'
  "Oh!shit".I held my head in complete horror,"Don't think too much",I said it aloud to myself.
      I tried to sleep but I couldn't.I was so hungry when I left the coffee shop but now my stomach is filled with fear.I tried to think it over,what could be the possible reasons.But nothing came to my mind.All I could think was some weird unreasonable things.
   Then a thought popped up in my head,all of a sudden.My mom knows something about this.She might have known this!I tried calling my mom but she didn't pick my calls.She must be busy in the lab.
   So,I went to her room to see if I can find something.A poster dropped from a book,that was kept opened in a table.I took the poster and glanced at it.It was the same thing with the image of a pendant on it.
    There was a lot of things written under that.This time,I didn't just put it aside but decided to read it.
  It read:
    The scientifically made pendant which has the property to trap love must be used with utmost care.
Trap love?What does that mean?

I continued to read it.

How to use the pendant:
1.Open the pendant when you see the target. (Note: please don't open it in front of any other person other than your target.)
    When you open the pendant for the first time,the person at your sight will get trapped inside your dreams.From then on,your dreams will be their life.

What????What is this?This was the pendant mom gave me.She never told anything about this.Why would she give me something that is this dangerous?!
   Could Shane's disappearance be connected to this in any way.I wore the pendant the day he disappeared.Wait,he disappeared right in front of me!!Am I connected to this in some way!!Could I be the reason that he disappeared?
   'Carefully think what you were doing while walking past him',I said to myself.
   I was playing with the pendant,opening and closing it.As the realisation hit,I looked at the first point written on the paper once again and shouted in horror.
  "I was opening and closing the pendant and playing.I must have opened the pendant when he passed by me!That must have been the reason for his sudden disappearance.I closed the pendant when I heard a loud noise and I started running fast",I tried to arrange everything that happened that night,in my head.
   I went on to read further.I took the poster which I dropped to the floor and started reading it again.

2.After the target disappears from the real life.He will start to appear in your dreams. (For all of you who have worried that your crush doesn't like you back,here's a world that exists with only you and him)

What nonsense is this??

3.Your dreams and the place are made according to your feelings and emotions hidden inside you.

I've always been sad and depressed.So,that was why that place was always dark and sunshine lasts only for a little while.Now,I understand.

4.He/She will be the only one who you will be able to see in your dreams. And whenever you go into a sleep,you teleport to the world where only you and your special person will exist.

Oh my god!What a horrible thing is this? Who even discovered this useless thing?!
    He has always told me how lonely he used to be in that dark world.While I was here having fun,he used to wait there for me,playing with the waves or staring up at the empty sky.I was the one behind all this.I promised him I won't hurt him.But all this time,I was the one who was responsible for all his sadness.
   I got so angry and disappointed in mom.Why did she give me this?Atleast she could have told me about this!My eyes started to fill up with tears as the letters became blurry.
    He asked me to help him a numerous times but I just didn't care and always thought that he was just someone in my dreams.Even when he felt like he was a part of reality.I used to correct him that he was just a dream.Ugh!I hate myself.He was the only one I loved and I couldn't protect him too.
    "But don't worry,Shane.I'll come and rescue you somehow".I said it to myself,clutching the poster tightly.
5.When love starts to bloom in between you and your partner.You can release them from you trap if you wish.

   Ugh!this word is making me more uncomfortable.

6.If you have to release them from your dreams.You have to wear the pendant before going to sleep that night.And in your dream,hold on tightly to the pendant and shout,"I love you",in front of them.This way they will be released from your dreams.But this works only if your love is true.If your love isn't true,you can't rescue them from your dreams!

Of course,My love is true.But I had only given him a 'yes',I haven't shouted those magical words in front of him,neither have I worn the pendant.But again, this is making me confused now!!All this time,when I was with Shawn in real life.I always had a feeling that I liked Shane more.But today I loved the time with Shawn.It's making me doubt myself!!Who do I love?Is it Shane or Shawn?
While thinking about this,I remembered about the pendant.
     "Ah!pendant.",I touched my neck and remembered that I left it on my study  table.I rushed down to my room.
If I get the pendant,then everything will come to an end.
  There were so much more written on the poster but I had no patience to read them all.I wanted to bring him back to reality this very second.He is suffering only because of me.Hold on for a little while,Shane.I'm coming for you.
    I looked at the table,where I left the pendant.But it was not there where I left.I digged into my bag but found nothing.I turned my room upside down and searched for it everywhere.But it was nowhere to be found.
    Without it,I won't be able to bring him back to life again!!Tears rolled down my cheek,as I sat on my bed holding my knees closer to the chest and buried my face inside my arms.
    Why am I like this?Why me,god?I think you forgot to include happiness and true love to my list,when you created me!!

   And now,where is the pendant?

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