ch 29:The Last Letter

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I looked for the love in others which was I not able to find in myself.
Now I don't know if I'm really afraid of losing him or the pieces of mine that I trusted him to carry.
Also,I don't want to be sad.So,let me use the remaining smiles I have.
I get to see him in real life,and thats all that I wished to happen!

I can't believe it's already been a month.The holiday season has finally arrived.My house was brightly lit with glitter decorations.It created a feeling of magic!The pine sweet smell of the tree ghosts through the room mixing with the scents of blueberry cakes and Robert Mondavi wines.
The ribbons of flame danced in front of the fire as an angel and a star looked at me,sitting on top of the tree. Frost spikes hang off the window sill elegantly as a sunrise warmth heats up the room.It is fresh and fragrant.The unwrapped gifts waited in front of the tree.
When I looked outside the window,the world wad covered white.As I stepped on the thick powdered snow,it felt nice and soft.I loved walking in it.But as time passes,the air tends to become more cold.
I was wearing a casual white tee and bell bottoms and wore a thick fur coat on top of that.That helped me maintain my body's warmth.
It was too cold and I was waiting for someone to hug me and share their warmth.
Sometimes he blabbers something about strange events and also exclaims that he must just be having a 'deja vu'.When will he be able to understand that those are things that really happened in his life?
   When I saw him in my dreams,I always said that he was wrong when he used to call himself a part of reality.Now he doesn't understand if I say the things that has happened for real.He thinks it is just a dream.Everything has gone upside down!
He has gotten a little closer to me but Shawn always drags me somewhere far  if he sees me talking with him.Shane only speaks about his family or a recent  fight he had with his brother or about a random movie that he has heard.But somehow,atleast those keeps our talks going.

I helped mom in packing things.After my final exams gets over next week,I'll be moving out of this city.But I haven't told Shawn and Shane about this.
I walked over to the mountains that sit right behind my school.I could see my school from there.I texted Shane about this place.This is the place I come often when I'm sad or happy.
The ground was partially covered with snow and the cool wind made a good company.
I returned home after some time as it started getting cold.The sun hid behind the cotton candies refusing to show up.
After I was done packing my things.I wrote a letter for Shane 'cause I never know when I'll meet him again.So,I took a card and put that flowered rose petals on them.After they observed the smell very well.I took them out and started writing on that.

Dear Shane,
I hope you will always do fine.You keep asking whether we've met before.Well,let me tell you.We have.You were stuck in a strange place,and I visited you every night.But it was so unfortunate that you didn't remember any of those we did.You told me that I was your first love.I've always heard from people that first loves are unforgettable,but in our case,everything is different. Don't you think some things are really precious because they don't last long.
Our love was something like that.We played on the shores and walked along the rose gardens holding hands and I didn't know how you forgot our first kiss.Even today,when I think about it.It makes me blush.Remember the song we used to sing together.You have waited too long for me,now its my turn.Thank you for showing me that true love exists.
I don't know how this world will live without the moon.It will eventually become dark again.I hope you won't feel lonely anymore.You may not understand this letter when you read it.You may think I'm a stupid!But all the stupid things I did lead me to you,maybe this can lead you to me.Please thank Shawn in my absence,he has always been a great friend.He has stood by my side and supported me at all costs,So thank you so much.If I come back to Joscon,I'll come meet you'll without fail.Do you atleast remember your promise,Shane?I remember mine!So,I'll keep waiting for you somewhere,if you remember me,you can always find your way back to me.
You can't go back to someone who isn't waiting but you can always come to me.Eventually,I'll be trying to find you in everyone I meet.
If love shows you the way,just close your eyes and trust it.I will appear by your side.Whenever I see those girls holding hands of their boyfriends and walking happily on the streets;I envy them.If I be with you a little longer;my feeling of regret will keep growing.But it's definitely not your fault,Shane.
Maybe when the time is right,you'll find me again.
We will meet again,my moon!

And I forgot to say you this......I love you!!

Yours lovingly,

I wiped my tears and placed the letter carefully inside my bag.I never thought a day like this will ever come.But like Ann said,I have to move on!I'm not willing to mess up his life again.He will eventually find someone better than me and continue on with his happiness.Its time to take a new road.

I heard my mom call.The lunch was ready on the table and after a long time,I finally got to eat something delicious.The roasted turkey and the chicken looked marvellous as my mouth started to water.It was only me,mom and dad.Ann has started to enjoy her holidays with her friends.She'll be going to Hargen University of Arts,starting from coming February.The main reason we are moving to Gasdon is her.I made sure to go see my grandma today as it would be hard to visit her after I move miles away from this city.

     Waiting for better days to come really hurts;but remembering the happy days with you is more painful.But still,I wanted to keep living like that.So I would not forget someone who once loved me with all his heart.

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