ch 24:Remember me?

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       The air is cool,the sun has not risen.Houses,trees,lofts and terraces-everything is dragged with a long shadow.The clouds are a mild gray.
    I was lying on my bed,blinking hard at the ceiling patiently waiting for the sun to rise.
   Yesterday night was something I will never forget.His first day back to reality because of me!I was staring at the moon all night.It hid inside the clouds for sometime,really shy but after a long time,it got used to my stares and wishes,so came out to comfort me with his light.The moon will forever be a home to broken hearts and that's why I call you my moon,Shane.
     You painted my life with all the colours you had,so no matter what happens I will not let your life be just black and grey.
  Finally when things fall into place,I hope we'll be the same Jade and Shane,the moon that kept waiting for the world to turn to his side and the world waiting to hold the hands of the moon to get rid of her darkness.

      Morning was calm;the golden rays has slowly started to sneak into the house.The birds saying,'no more sleep!' and the plants dancing along  the side of the roads to wake themselves from sleep.I yawned and stretched but never got out of my bed.
    I wore my cool batman hoodie and matching brown pants and walked over to the nearby coffee shop.The weather was cool . November is a month that is usually full of chilly cold days except for the burning afternoons.The cool strong wind blows my hair back harshly and the cold breezes gave me a tingly feeling,running up and down my spine.
    People were walking around sleeveless.No sweater,long sleeves and jeans rolled up.
     I arrived at a local coffee shop and I could smell the aroma of the coffee beans being brewed as I ordered my drink.I eased myself in a cheap cane chair and observed the passing people as I waited for my drink to arrive.There was an old man who was sitting alone at the small table in the corner by the window,drinking his cup of black coffee and reading the newspaper.He was wearing khaki pants,brown loafers,a green sweater,and a small thin-framed  reading glasses.He had thin grey hair,blue eyes that seemed to have turned grayer with age,a soft polite smile and a very soothing voice with a hint of a southern accent.He was talking with some others who were about his age,they seemed to have formed a group among themselves talking and discussing about their family issues and so on.
    I reached home after a long walk.
Walking around the childrens park early in the morning with having the sun just peeping out a little bit made me feel relaxed.It felt like I surrendered all my fears to the light that shined all over.
    I danced in front of the mirror,pretending to be a popstar while brushing my teeth.I felt fresh after a long shower.I wore my uniform,made my skirt a little shorter.I was still a little afraid to step out of my house,especially for school.
As my stomach was filled with fear,I did not ask for food.

    I walked inside the school gate,gathering up my courage.The classrooms were the same,the tables neatly arranged as usual and the books waiting to be opened.Everything were as usual but to me everything seemed different.I quietly passed a group of students who were gossiping about a girl,someone they knew.
       Being at School beat being at home.I was waiting for Shawn but he never came which infact made me more nervous,adding to my fear.
    Why didn't he come?Did Shane tell him something about me and that place?If he finds out,I'm doomed!
    I can't be thinking nonsense,making myself tensed.So,I decided to visit him at his house after school.
Mr.Old man was speaking about the second world war.
  Ah!Whenever I hear about this topic, the only feeling I feel is regret.People were so foolish to fight for something temporary and how follish of them that they destroyed a lot of history,all they left for their future generations were only sufferings and sadness.

      I'm always dependent on somebody.First it was Meiko,after she broke all my trust,I put the remaining thing I had on Shawn and Shane.I can't seem to live a day without seeing and talking to them.But somehow with them,I could sleep peacefully at night without having to worry if he'll leave,cause I know that he's the right one to stay.

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