ch 26:Heartbreak!!

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Can you stop loving someone if they forget you?The ocean will find its way back to its shore,right.
You are the light that I search for when everything goes dark.It seems like there's a lot of stars around me making me shine with their magical light.But,though you're light is dull,it's something that keeps me alive.
I'm drowning in the thoughts of you.I know it could even cost my life but still I love this!I love you!

In the early morning,the whole world is clear and bright,and the sun is gently sprayed on the earth through a faint mist,and there is no pleasing feeling than this.The colourful glow of the morning gives me hope!
I quickly got out of my bed,opened the doors and windows everywhere to let the air play inside my house.I went on to check Ann's room and found that she hasn't come back home yet.This worried me so much.
I was still a little sleepy.I walked down the stairs,rubbing my eyes.
I took my phone and dialled her number.But she didn't attend any calls of mine.
Why is this girl like this?How will I know what has happened to her?Is that man a good person?I am a useless sister .I know nothing.Atleast she should have told me where she was going.Did she leave to Denmark along with him?!I mean,she's capable of doing it.So I couldn't help think about it.
Ah!She will come by afternoon.Literally!Did this girl stay all night with him?She said this was their first date,and she's already hanging out with him all night.
If she doesn't arrive here by afternoon,then I have to tell mom.
Why put me in trouble,Ann?If I tell mom,she would scold me why I didn't inform her earlier.
Let her come,I'll turn her ears red.
I let her go just for my cheese sandwich but she is more important than that.
I got ready for school,muttering curses to myself.I already have enough things to sort out in my life and my sister is only adding to my problems.
My mom and dad seem to care a lot about their work than their own children,just to create useless things like this pendant.
I looked at the pendant that was lying on the table.I took that and placed it carefully inside the locker.
'This is the safe place for you.You stay here.That is safe for you and others too".I said to myself.
She kept me grumbling about her all the way to school.While I was walking to school,I jumped and hopped in joy.
I was so happy.He better come to school or I'm gonna go to his house and choke him to death.

As I entered the class,I saw students crowded near my table.I made my way through them and found Shane sitting on my seat surrounded by girls!!
All the heads turned my side when he waved at me,"Hello,Jade!",he said brightly.
I nodded and went near him.I heard whispers of many jealous girls.
One said,"Ah!She came just now and she has already started her game".
"Boyfriend stealer",shouted another.
Though those comments made me sad,I was more than happy to see Shane sitting right in front of me.
"Ah!This is my seat",I smiled.
"Oh!sorry",he got up and looked for a place to sit.
"You can sit here,in my place",Meiko gave her seat for him.
He sat on a chair just beside me.I turned to talk to Shawn,but he wasn't there in his place.
Where did he go?
I tapped Shane's hand to get his attention.He turned to me with a smirk.
"Where is Shawn?Did he not come with you?"
"No,he did not come to school today.He won't tell me what's the reason".He said bluntly.
The crowd dispersed as the classes were about to start.
I kicked his leg under the table.
"Ouch",he bit his lip.
He turned to me with a serious faces, questioning my actions.
That didn't bother me at all.
"So,do you remember me?",I asked with curiosity killing me inside.
Why is he staring at me like that?Why is he not opening his mouth?Say 'yes',Shane!
"Yes,I remember you . Ofcourse I remember you.How can I not remember you-"
I wanted to jump from my place.I wanted to hug him right now.He said a 'yes'.He really said it.He remembers me. I knew he was just pretending to not know nothing to avoid troubles.
"You came to my house,yesterday.You're Shawn's friend.Am I right?How can I forget you?",he said in a confused tone.
What did he say now?Does he only remember me as Shawn's friend?No way!He must be kidding!
"Don't play",my tone turned into a more serious one.
"Play?I'm not playing . What are you talking about?",he looked puzzled.
No!He's playing with me,he's just teasing me.
I leaned closer to him.He was shocked and surprised,breathing through his mouth.
"You really don't remember me?That place?Our first kiss?Everything we told each other and all the promises",my words struggled to come out,being stuck in between my gritted teeth.
He pushed me back to my seat.
"Ugh!What are you doing?I thought you were his friend.Don't you think you're betraying him.Is this what you do behind his back?-"
"Enough!Stop it,Shane",my eyes were filled with tears already.
Mr.Old Man called Shane to introduce him to the class.Everyone cheered when he introduced himself as Shawn's twin.I never looked at him when he walked back to his seat.
He stared at me for a while and turned his head away.
I was not angry nor sad.I was confused.I was trying to get a grip on what was happening.
Then,he doesn't remember me?Why?How?
I made sure to ask him about his disappearance during the break.
As expected,he listened to the class with a huge interest in his eyes while the girls over the corner kept staring at him and the boys whispering inside each other's ears.

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