Serpentina Unleashed

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The following vignettes are "Part Two" of Serpentina's own perspectives about her everyday life living with the crazy old geezer.

Well he discovered what she was doing and then insisted that Part Two would be better titled, "Serpentina Unleashed"

Even before starting we've already stepped into that pond of differing opinions between two who aren't seeing eye-to eye on a contentious issue, therefore... let's keep in mind Cog's Rule Number 1 about staying out of the water and thus refrain from choosing sides.


Serpentina accepted Cog's preferred title, only because he agreed not to edit or censor anything she chose to reveal... and believe me, she can be revealing... as you'll soon discover.

So let's get on with Tina's part two without further ado...

But what if...

And this might be a big what if... but if you can... guess what type creature I envy the most?

You might be surprised when I reveal my answer.


Those small colourful insects that most humans can't seem to hate the way they hate reptiles are what I envy the most, and my reason's not because they can fly. So if you just thought flight, then cancel all your high flying ideas.

I envy butterflies because they have six legs... and as far as I know, they don't even need that many if any.

Did this answer get to you?

Never mind if it did, and too bad so sad if it didn't.

All sarcasm aside, how often do you ever see a butterfly land on something?

Okay, maybe they do land on a flower once in a while.

Think now: when was the last time you saw a butterfly walking down the street? Or walking anywhere?"

That's what I thought too.

All that butterflies ever seem to do is flit around from flower to flower, and even more aggravating, their definitions of flight in a straight line makes my movements on land seem as straight as the edge of a ruler. Even Cog might believe me upon hearing this one.

So why on earth (choosing to say that because I'm ground bound) do butterflies need six legs just to do what they do?

What say you?

I suppose your response to my question (pretend you hear my sigh too) will be much the same as that run-of-the-mill dismissal I got from my favourite lug nut.

Even if I could have wings in real life I'd choose not to have them... that's because I'd probably look like some weird type of long scaly dragon... maybe sort of like Puff... or maybe nothing more than some strange stretch-version of a dragonfly without legs.

Nonetheless here's me in my fantasy and on full display... so let's fly in.

 so let's fly in

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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