Constantly Pulled in Opposing Directions

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What could possibly be more human than something as mundane as taking a selfie?

What could possibly be more human than something as mundane as taking a selfie?

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Perhaps that depends upon who took the selfie.

Whatever the answer, one obvious and unalterable fact remains, Serpentina isn't fully a human and isn't fully a serpent, therefore she lives a constant internal tug-of-war between her incompatible human and serpent genetic origins. Regardless the inner tensions and conflicts concerning her profound duality (always present but usually subdued) she can never fully be one or the other. This same incongruous reality is equally true of her physical, psychological and intellectual make-ups because no singular part can ever be fully or independently separated from the others.

Both intellectually and emotionally Tina's dominant traits by far are definitely human. Of course with having me present in her life, by default that influence has inexorably pushed her toward those human traits she possesses and which she most undoubtedly identifies with. However, and absent my interference in the equation, I'm reasonably certain enough to conjecture that her above-average intelligence would have developed well notwithstanding, but likely at the expense of her emotional development which would have been severely stunted from necessary suppression for survival.

I'm convinced her psychological aspects are fairly evenly split at fifty-fifty; she's most definitely a reptile wired for survival but with strong human desires to love and be loved. Nonetheless and by a wide margin, Tina's dominant physical traits are indisputably those of Serpentes origin, no doubt owing to her (believed to be) manufactured hybrid DNA.

Is Serpentina warm and affectionate or cold and calculating?

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Is Serpentina warm and affectionate or cold and calculating?

With a couple of years of hindsight to draw upon I'm quite certain that if she had remained in the wild and was left to her own devices, she would have instinctively gravitated to becoming an extremely dangerous wily predator possessing a very calculating human intelligence but devoid of meaningful feeling.

Routine everyday living together and the informality which has developed between us makes gradually overlooking our differences very easy until I'm no longer consciously aware of them, but unexpected wake-up calls do arise to remind me Serpentina is not fully human, no doubt because of callous dominant Serpentes traits which surface to make their presence known. Those same ruthless traits definitely influence if not govern certain areas of her intellectual and thought processes.

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