Chapter Twelve- Surprise

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There was a lot of banging going on. Where was it coming from? It sounded like someone was trying to knock down a door or something. I groan and roll over, pressing my pillow tightly against was ears. It only seemed to get louder.

With a huff, I jump out of bed to find the source. As my feet hit the floor and I force my eyes open, I see that it's my door that's about to crash down. Who would be pounding on my door at five thirty in the morning.

I make my way to the door and unlock it. Yanking it open, I'm met with the sight of Dean. His white button up shirt wide open and a pair of black dress pants. In his left hand was a purple tie.

"What the hell do you want?" Even looking at him was pissing me the hell off.

"Get ready for school." His eyes were dark with hatred.

"You're kidding me right? It's five thirty, school doesn't start for another two hours," I huff, shoving the tangled mess of hair out of my eyes.

"Why are you still in yesterday's clothes?" He raised and amused eyebrow.

"I didn't feel like changing obviously." I snap and slam my door shut, locking it once again. I'm a bit muddy from last nights extra curricular activities.

I figured the bathroom mirror was safe from me. I wasn't pissed enough to break it again. Showing as quickly as possible, I ran to my closet to change, dropping the towel on the floor. My door could break down any moment from the pounding of Dean's fist.

Why did he want me to leave for school so early? I wasn't even going to be riding with him so it couldn't be that.

I dressed into a white tank top, a off white cardigan with gold shimmering material on it, short jean shorts, a long faux gold necklace, and matching bracelets. My hair had a natural curl today, so I left it like that and grabbed off white three inch heels.

"Stop trying to knock my door down! I'm coming!" I unlock my door and pull it open, grabbing my bag and knives. Ducking under his arm, I hold my head high and walk toward the stair. Dean pulls me to a stop before my foot can touch the first step.

"Not so fast." His grip on my arm is too tight.

Yanking it free, I turn towards him. "You were trying to break my door down, telling me to hurry up! Now, you want me to slow down?" He seriously makes no sense.

"I want to talk to you about last night."

"As far as I'm concerned nothing ever happened.... So drop it." He starts to open his mouth, but I narrow my eye, daring him to say something otherwise.

"Okay. I'll let it go." His shoulders sag in defeat and he sighs.

I turn and this time make it down the stairs. I'm assuming that the only reason he wanted me up so early was to discuss our little disagreement last night.

The smell of waffles, sausages, and biscuits reached my nose, immediately making my mouth water. Food is the only thing I love and it was calling my name.

"Blake. Dean. I hope you guys are hungry."

There was a large stack of waffles on two plates and almost a third large stack on another. There were large sausage patties layered on paper towels to absorb the grease. There were two cookie sheets filled with cooling biscuits. Everything was in large quantities and she was still cooking.

Elizabeth knew how much I could put away. Besides, I hardly ate much last night.

"Elizabeth, you are a cooking Goddess!" I grab a glass and fill it with orange juice.

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