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  • Dedicated to Becca Lee


As I weaved through the crowd, I glanced behind me. Big mistake. He was there. Even though he wasn't looking my way I knew that he was looking for me. The thought made my skin crawl. So I pulled the strings of my hood tighter and tried to maintain a normal pace. I was thankful that the Public Market was especially busy at this time on Friday. Seattle was great in that way. I turned down a cement hallway with stairs and went to the back of the market. There was my destination. The ferry that was starting to board. I jogged across the street, not using the cross walk like I should have but I didn't care. I dared to look over my shoulder. He was nowhere in sight, I had lost him. I allowed myself a small smile as I paid my boarding fee and quickly hid among the other passengers. I could never be too cautious. Thankfully most of the crowd was where I loved standing when the ferry started to move. Right up against the rail.

The wind was horrible today. My eyes were watering and my face stung where my hair hit. I dug in my little rucksack for my iPod and the headphones. I only put in one ear bud so I could still listen to my surroundings. I hit shuffle and the first song that played was Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. I looked out over the ocean and, like so many other times, wished I could be some majestic sea creature. My life was so... messed up? That was only putting it mildly. I turned and scanned the faces all around me. I could pass as a normal, nothing-sketchy-about-me, sort of teenager thankfully. Of course I wasn't, but so many times I wish I were. Why must things be like this? In the back of my head memories dance, painful and scary memories. I pushed them down further into the recesses of my mind. I finally declared my surroundings were clear, so I turned back to face the sea. The water was like a dark green, that most found it repulsive next to their images of crystal blue water. Me, well I found solace in the dark, ugly green water.

The ride was pretty short, maybe a little less than fifteen minutes, so I stuffed my iPod back in my small rucksack. I started to nervously play with a strand of my hair as I climbed off the ferry. The reservation, which was where the ferry let off, was stunning and sensual, but today it didn't bring the joy other's felt to me. I had been summoned here by someone above me. Who, I didn't know and that's what frightened me. Not for my life as I sometimes am though. The big casino about six hundred feet from me, was my destination. Well technically the eighth floor which housed overnight guests, was my destination. Room 255 to be exact. I quickly made my way inside and to the elevator. I was a lone rider and my fidgeting steadily got worse the closer I got to the eighth floor. Finally the elevator stopped and with a sigh, I pushed off the wall of the elevator and headed to the end of the hall. When I was two doors away, I straightened and put up a facade of indifference. I slowly knocked on the door three times.

"To be the best..." a masculine voice bellowed from the other side of the door.

"Kill the rest," I replied stiffly. I didn't much care for that saying that was always used. I heard locks being moved, then the door swung open.

"Hello Blake Reid," the guy said, still half behind the open door.

"Jason Ellsworth," I gave a curt nod in greeting. I surveyed my surroundings like I was so used to doing. The room was very large and lavish. Inside where the main sitting room was, I found two more people.

"Ah, Miss Blake Reid how lovely," the oldest woman beamed at me.

I forced a smile. "Georgette Peterson, it's nice to see you again. As well as you Shelby Crosby." She only gave me a tight smile and nodded.

"I bet your wondering why your here," Georgette said, standing to walk towards me.

"Yes, I was under the impression that you were finished with me," I replied, rather stiffly.

"Ah, yes we were, but we need you to do one more thing for us and then we're done with you for good. We have no real use for girls once they turn eighteen," Georgette lifted her hand like she was going to touch my cheek, but thought better of it and lowered her hand back to her side.

"What would that be?" I asked wearily.

"You must get close to Regina Collins," Shelby finally spoke.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes, not liking the sound of this at all.

"Her parents must be... dealt with and your the perfect girl for it. With your looks and body, you could definitely befriend Regina Collins. Provided you had the correct clothing," Georgette shook her head in disgust at my ragged clothing.

"Of course," Shelby nodded in agreement.

I glanced at them. My looks are what I need for this? I'm pretty yes, but I hide in my ragged clothing. Don't ask why but it brings me comfort. After all small things help when you've seen and done the things I have. I shuddered when I thought of all the things I've done. I stood at 5'4", have straight strawberry blond hair, light green eyes, and a petite body. You wouldn't believe by looking at me the things I've done. I studied Georgette, who had wavy salt and pepper hair, a short chubby build, and expensive clothing. Then I turned my attention to Shelby who had jet black hair with blue eyes, was extremely tall, and was also dressed expensively.

"Shall we shop?" Georgette asked eagerly.

"I guess. Do I get to keep these clothes when I'm done?"

"We will let you keep them this time. Sort of like a good-bye gift," Georgette beamed. Seriously how could this woman act so god damned cheery? She headed for the door and beckoned me to follow. I nodded a thanks to Jason, who held the door open for us before stepping out behind me. He was muscular, so much so that you could see the outline of his abdomen muscles in his tight shirt. I had abs, but nothing like his. He had light brown hair, gray eyes that seemed to see into your soul, and was dressed less expensively than the two women with us. Oh and he was also my age.

I felt him open my rucksack that was still on my back. He riffled through it causing my body to jerk a little. "May I ask what you're doing?"

"Seeing if you need protection, but I see a gun and two knives in here so I think your good," he let out a humorless chuckle.

"And two knives concealed on my person. I'm not a fool. After all a guy has been following me with the intention to kill," my voice came out a little harsh.

"Good girl," this time his chuckle was genuine. I just rolled my eyes and followed the women as Jason followed closely behind me. Soon I was going to have two more deaths on my hands. My hands were definitely covered in blood, but I wished they weren't. How'd I end up in this mess?

I'm Blake Reid and this is my story.

Authors Note: Please tell me what you think! Is this a good story? I'd love to hear something back if you read this. Please comment, vote, and of course fan! Haha

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