Chapter Twenty- The Beginning of the End

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"Hey Blake!" Elizabeth chirps.

"Hey Elizabeth."

"What can I do for you?"

"Will you tell Dean or the Hulk or whoever he is, that we'll have a civil, chat in a few hours after I clear my head." I ask.

"Of course dear. He's actually been gone today. It's really weird. I mean I know he does have a job and an actual house, but still. He's still on this so I mean I'm not sure."

"Well, when you see him do let him know I fully intend to talk today. Unless something happens to me. But I'm not expecting it to." I start to go over the bumpy, deserted road that leads to Asher's underground tech layer. And although there is service, it can be very dodgy. "Hey Elizabeth, I have to let you go okay?"

"Sure thing. I'll be sure to let him know that you'll be stopping by if he gets here before you do." I can just hear the smile through the phone.

"Thanks Elizabeth. Bye."

I drive into the parking garage and slowly head to where I remember I need to go. I make my descent in my car and at first it seems completely empty. It's darker than when we came and quieter. Then I see him; Asher. He's working with some 3D type of thing in the darkness.

He actually seems enthralled. Until his concentration is broken by my automatic headlights.

"Who's there?" He shield's his eyes until I turn the car off.

I open the door and slowly get out. "It's me. Blake Reid."

"Oh Blake! I never honestly thought I would see you again." He blushes a slight pink.

"Well here I am." I smile.

"What can I do for you this time?"

I knew it would be idiotic to hide the fact that I wanted anything. I'm also a straight forward girl anyways so it's not like that's an issue.

"Well, I have a vision that I'm sure you can help me with. Or also help perfect. I may be smart, but I don't think the technological stuff is my area."

"Well anything you need, I'm your man." He turns off the 3D thing and hits a button that turns the lights on. "Follow me please and we'll get started."


"I'm not sure if that will work. What if you put surveillance here and..." he pauses before touching a spot on the screen. "Here as well. Everywhere else is fine. But I think you'll be blind if you don't do it this way."

"Okay, I see what you mean. So add cameras here and here, leave them everywhere else? Although I'm starting to rethink the one that's in their bedroom." I grimace.

"No Blake, you need one in almost every inch of that house that they could be in at any minute as well as outside of that house. You know what needs to happen in just two or three days. Blake, you're eighteen in three days." He looks me in the eyes and I look away.

"Yes I know. That's why everything rides on this going right okay? If it goes as planned... well we'll see.

"I'm thinking it would be strategic to place guns in some places. Not all just a few. Just in case I need some and can't get to anything. Do you think these three places would be good and safe from discovery?"

He thinks for just a moment before deciding. "Yeah I think those are good. Any of the other ones would compromise you."

"Yeah, I figured they would." I give all the plans a once over. "Do you think we missed anything major?"

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