Chapter Two- Making Nice

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"Hello, my name is Regina Collins and I'll be showing you around," she smiled at me with wide, innocent eyes.

"I'm sure you already know my name, but I'm Blake Reid."

"May I see your schedule? Just so that I know where I need to take you today. That way we can meet somewhere in between classes."

I fished in my bag and handed her my paper with my schedule. She studied it a few times before handing it back.

"You are one lucky girl. We have all of our classes together so it'll be super easy!" Wow, they really wanted to assure that I got close to Regina didn't they?

"Sounds good," I smiled a tight smile that I hoped didn't look too forced or unpleasant.

"Just follow me. First hour we have Ms. Bishop, she teaches AP Chemistry. I think you'll like her and the class is small so it won't be hard to concentrate," she beamed. This girl was a ray of sunshine so far. Why did they think I'd have trouble befriending her by wearing my normal clothes?

I followed her from class to class for the first three classes. I soon saw that she was nasty to those who appeared to have less money than she had, but not me because everything about me screamed money. Then it was time for lunch. Jason please have this lunch! There were three different lunches that depended on what class you had. Each lunch was dismissed from third period.

"Hey Blake. How has your day been?" Jason had come from behind me causing me to automatically reach for one of my knives.

"Please don't sneak up on me Jason," I gave him a meaningful glare. He just smiled as he ruffled my hair. What the hell! We had an assignment, well I had an assignment, but still.

"Relax," he smiled down at me as we joined the lunch line.

I leaned over to him. "I can't! Have you forgotten the reason I'm here? It's not to have fun and relax," I whispered so only he would hear.

Before he could speak again, he was interrupted by Regina. "Why don't you guys sit with us? We have room for two more people."

"Sure," Jason said as we paid for our lunch. We had to use a four digit number that accessed our lunch accounts. The lunch room was odd. Two rows of table lined the upper part of the room, there were stairs that led down to at least ten other long rows of tables, the walls looked dirty and had some strange luwan board with holes in it on one section of the right hand wall, and four painted collages. The ceiling was even stained with something. What could have caused that? During my quick analysis I noticed where the teachers stood and the stares Jason and I were receiving. We then set our trays down at a table with two other boys and four girls not including Jason and I.

I suppose I should describe everyone I sat with. Regina was about my height, had dark brown hair with natural lighter highlights, her eyes were the same color as her hair, and she wore a gray skirt with a purple shirt and gray heels. The two boys, Matt and Alex, were dressed alike. Both wore tight shirts that didn't seem all that expensive, but I'm sure they were judging by everyone else's attire. The girls almost wore the same outfit as Regina. Gray skirts, gray heels, but different colored blouses.

"What class do you have right now?" Jason leaned over to me.

"Theatre up there on the stage. Then I'm aloud to leave last period since I've met all my requirements. What about you?"

"Same actually. Do you think you'll be able to relax enough to act?" he teased.

"Shut up and eat your lunch."

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