Chapter Twenty-Two- The Big Birthday Bash

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I've never felt this nervous or even sick about a mission. Not even my very first mission had me feeling like this, but maybe I never had the thought of death hanging over my head. Whatever the reason may be, it wasn't pleasant and it was something that wasn't easy to shake.

I was dressed in my clothes for the night and ready to go. I knew everything was in position so that whatever happened I was covered.

"Okay Asher, help me make sure I've got all my guns secured on me. And my knives should I need them. I'm better with knives, but guns are quicker, especially when other guns are possibly in play." My hands lightly brush over my weapons. The only thing that has ever given me any sense of security in my life.

"Okay. Blake are you sure you're okay with doing this? You can just run away someplace. I'll never say anything."

"No, if I don't do this someone else will. It has to be me Asher."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does and I don't think that you see that. In order for me to get out of their agency, in any way, I have to do this. Don't you see that?"

"I see where you're coming from, but no one should have to do that Blake. No matter what they've done in their lives. Yes I get you've done some pretty bad things in your life that would get you life sentences, but you're not really that bad of a person you know?"

"Save the lecture. I want something to eat okay? Then we have to get me where I need to be." A change in the subject was so sorely needed. I don't want to think about this any longer than I had to.

"It's your big day boss."

"Yeah, it is." My tone is dry and devoid of any emotion. Some big day.


We sit in some run down diner that looks like it has seen its better days. We've both ordered steak hoagies complete with fried onions, Swiss cheese, mayo, and a large side of fries. Just what I needed; greasy food.

I try to sit so that the guns in my jacket don't show. I don't need to take anyone else down before I even start the job. Yeah that would be a lot of fun wouldn't it?

"So Blake, are you planning to wait 'til night fall? Or just late evening?" Asher starts to make light conversation that could be normal.

"I'm not sure. I guess whenever it seems safest. I'll lay low and wait for my chance." I shrug.

"I can't believe you're doing this without any help. That's ridiculous you know? Someone should at least have your back."

"Well no one wants to and I don't want anyone to. I've only ever had a joint partner mission once and even then that didn't last long. I don't do the team thing. People just get in my way. This assignment was the first and last time that will ever happen."

"If you say so."

As if sensing our conversation was finished, the waitress brings us our food and takes our half empty drinks to refill them. Who can blame the girl for trying to keep busy? This place is dead and I'm sure she's looking to get a good tip. Which she just might.

Asher and I busy ourselves with eating, not really bothering to talk. What's the point? I'd rather stuff my face full of food than talk. Food is better than talking, so why waste time talking when you can eat?

When we finish, I generously tip the waitress as we set out to leave. And I know that I can put it off all I like, but it won't change anything. Maybe if I get some coffee to keep me up though....

"Hey Asher, we're gonna stop and get some coffee okay? I really need some. The caffeine will help to keep me going throughout the night."

Asher gives me a disbelieving look. Okay so that's not exactly why, but I really do need some caffeine.

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