Chapter Seventeen- Making Some Headway

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It takes me a few seconds to realize what I have just done. Sweet baby J! I freeze for a few seconds then pull back once I've regained my senses.

Asher is looking at me wide eyed and his mouth is hanging open. I open my mouth, but realize I have no idea what to even say. I mean, I just kissed him! And it was my first kiss too. Who the hell gets so excited they kiss someone? Not me that's for sure! Have you met me?

"I'm sorry," I choke out. It's painful to force those words out of my mouth. I never say sorry to anyone!

"No, it's okay." He clears his throat.

"I have no clue why I did that. I seriously have never done this before." My hands shake as anger at myself bubbles up inside me. I hate myself for this, for allowing such a thing to happen. And it's not even his fault, it's mine! I need to shoot something, or someone.

"Seriously, you're fine!" He gives an awkward chuckle.

I start to open my mouth when my phone rings. Holding a finger up in his direction, I dig through my pocket and withdraw my phone. One unread text message from Regina. This can not be good. It's well past midnight.

I tap the screen and gaze down.

Blake, will u plz come over? I need some1 and ur the 1st person I thought of -Gina

I sigh. Of course I would be going over. The more I'm around, the better. If everything went as planned, I would be done within the next two weeks or so. Not my fastest hit, but this was going to be a pristine mission. And I really liked pristine.

Yeah, I'll be over soon.

"I'm sorry Asher, but I have to go. Apologize to Seth for me and make sure he has a ride home. Tell him it pertained to Regina; he'll understand." I hop into my car and twist the keys in the ignition. I'm excited to think that my car has an arsenal of weapons in it now.

"Okay. The manual to the set up and function of the car's new... assets." He hands me a booklet from the top of my car. "Any question, my number is on the front under my name." He tips back the coffee I had failed to notice until now.

"Thanks so much. I really do love it. The knives would have to be my favorite thing non-tech wise." I kindly smile at him, trying to relieve the awkward tension as much as I could.

"It's no problem. Enjoy." He pushes my door closed and I reverse, heading back the way I had come.

Tonight has been... eventful.

As the car elevator rises up, I can't help but to wonder what could be wrong with Regina. I mean, she didn't like to show too much weakness to anyone. The assembly was an exception to that. Everyone who was friends with that messed up guy, were taken by surprise. I guess that's an understandable thing.

I don't do tears. That day with the mirror was the first time I had cried in ten years or so. It's not a pleasant feeling let me tell you that much. I hated weakness and tears. They were the epitome of weakness. But something was happening here and old things were resurfacing along with new and it was something that I hate to admit got to me.

Now I will have to put up with Regina's tears. May someone kill me now? I have an arsenal of weapons they can use. Sometimes, I hate my job. I have to deal with sniveling rich kids who think everything revolves around them.

I'll give her one thing; her parents were about to meet their maker and I kind of felt sorry for her. I had to stay at least a week after to make sure I wasn't a suspect, so this will be some practice.

Ragged GirlOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara