Chapter Three: Not Giving Up

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Marco ran his fingers through his hair as he thought about Sansa, it had been a week since he had run into her at the restaurant and he hadn’t been able to forget about her as he wondered what she had been doing there.

Marco had tried to find out more about his ex-girlfriend but no one would tell him anything, he hated that things had changed and he just wanted so answers about what had happened.

Sansa had been such a big part of his life and now he knew nothing about her, he wanted to know what had happened to make her break up with him when he was about to ask her to marry him.

It was something that had bothered Marco for the last five years and he was sure that he would be able to get the answers that he wanted if he could just speak to Sansa; however no one seemed willing to help him.

“Marco,” Mats sighed knowing what his friend was thinking about, they’d had this talk before and he wished that Marco would let it go since it was clear that Sansa had fled for a reason.

Cathy had expressed concern at the thought of Marco and Sansa meeting, she was worried about what would happen if things got complicated and Mats had a feeling that she knew a lot more about what was going on than she let on.

“I have to talk to her Mats… I need answers,” Marco argued looking around the training pitch, he could barely focus on the session and he knew that they needed to get to work.

Marco wasn’t sure what he wanted to hear from Sansa but he knew that if he knew the truth then he would be more willing to let her go; he had never gotten a real reason on why she had ended things.

“I know you do, I just worry,” Mats murmured shaking his head, he had a feeling that if Marco was ever to see Sansa again then no matter what the reason she had ended things for wouldn’t matter since he wouldn’t let her go again.

Marco had always held a soft spot for Sansa and no one could deny that there were clearly still feelings for the blonde that had gotten away; he might have been hurt by her breaking things off but he still loved her.

“I want to know what happened,” Marco whispered trying to think back again to why Sansa had ended things and then just disappeared completely from his life.

Marco couldn’t work it out and he wished that he knew what had caused all of this, he didn’t want to make the same mistakes again and there was only one person that could tell him what had happened.

“Promise me you’ll be careful,” Mats murmured knowing that Jürgen Klopp had noticed their lack of movement, he didn’t want to see Marco hurt again and Cathy was refusing to give him any sign on what had happened in the past.

Marco looked at Mats and nodded his head, he knew that he could trust Mats if anything did happen; his family had grown to dislike Sansa after what happened even if they didn’t know what had happened to make her break things of with him.

Marco wasn’t going to give up, he wanted to talk to Sansa and he knew that it was for the best; he would never be able to let her go if he didn’t know what he had done to make things end.

Mats sighed and nodded, there was nothing he could say that would sway Marco from his decision to speak with Sansa in any way that he could find.

“I’ll try,” Marco replied gently knowing Mats needed him to say it, he jogged away from his friend unable to look back already sure that he would break the promise; he had no idea how he would feel when he got to speak to Sansa again, he didn’t even know if he could let her go again.


“I’m fine,” Marco insisted rolling his eyes at his mother, he didn’t know who had called her and told her about his run in with Sansa but he truly wished that they hadn’t done so.

Manuela Reus disliked the idea of her son even thinking about speaking to Sansa again, he could do so much better than the blonde that had ripped out his heart and never looked back.

Marco picked up some bread and took a deep breath, he had come shopping only to find that his mother had followed him there; he had a feeling that she wasn’t going to let this go.

“I just want some answers,” Marco said to his mother turning to face her, he put the bread in his trolley before he moved on wanting to get his shopping done before she made a fuss.

Manuela huffed and shook her head, she hated what Sansa had done to her son and she had no idea what Marco wanted with her; she was sure he could find someone so much better for him.

“She was probably cheating on you,” Manuela dismissed with a look at Marco, he might not want to hear it but she knew that there was a high chance with how things had ended.

Marco paused and glared at his mother, he had heard some many excuses and possible truths that he just wanted the real one; he wanted to make his own decision about how to feel about everything instead of how everyone expected him to feel.

“We don’t know that,” Marco hissed getting tired of Manuela’s constant bring downs, he knew his mother was worried about him but he needed to do this for himself.

Marco couldn’t see himself moving on when he still had feelings for Sansa, he had barely dated since they had ended things and any dates he had been on were never really repeated.

Manuela opened her mouth to say something when a little boy ran into Marco’s legs, he looked down and smiled at the child that had escaped his guardian.

“Hallo,” the little boy said smiling up at Marco, he let go of the footballer’s leg as the man moved to crouch down and speak to him; he peeked back the way that he had come knowing that someone was looking for him.

Marco stared at the little boy, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he looked so familiar and he didn’t know why; he had no idea what it was and it made him a little un-nerved.

“I’m Finn,” the little boy said holding out his hand for Marco to shake, he had spotted his favourite footballer when he was shopping with his aunt and hadn’t been able to resist coming over.

Manuela watched her son with the little boy, she wanted nothing more than to see her son having children of his own but that wouldn’t happen if he clung to the idea of Sansa.

“Marco,” Marco replied with a smile, he loved meeting fans like this and he knew that it was the best part of his job.

Marco looked around trying to spot the boy’s parents, he wondered who his parents where since he was sure that he recognised the little boy; he looked down at the little boy and smiled at him.

“I know, you’re my best footballer,” Finn said smiling, he couldn’t say the word favourite and he had decided best was a better word; he frowned when he heard a gasp from behind them of relief.

“Finnegan,” Aunt Leila said shaking her head moving towards the little boy, her heart pounded in her chest at the sight of the four year old with Marco; she couldn’t believe that this had happened and she knew that Sansa would be upset.

Marco stared at Aunt Leila, he knew that she had been very single for years and there was no way the little boy could be hers; he couldn’t help but wonder how she knew him.

Manuela stared down at Finn, her heart leapt into her throat as it dawned on her that the little boy could be Sansa’s son.

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