Chapter Twenty-Eight: Protection

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"I am frightened Marco," Sansa whispered cuddling into her fiancé, she was seventeen weeks pregnant and she had no idea what was going to happen but Connor was still stalking her and Finn. 

Sansa had no idea what was going on in that man's head, she was actually frightened that he was going to do something drastic and she didn't want to be left home alone if Connor was acting like this. 

Marco held onto his fiancée, he didn't blame her for being so scared and he hated that the police were doing nothing when it was clear that Connor was a threat to their family. 

"I'm working on it liebling," Marco whispered back trying to reassure her, his lawyers were trying to get a restraining order in place so that Connor wouldn't be able to carry on with his behaviour. 

Marco had no idea why the police weren't taking them seriously and he hoped that things would settle down soon; he didn't want this to continue when Sansa was clearly upset by this. 

Finn had no idea what was going on and he had no idea why he had been stopped from going around to his friends' houses; his parents were keeping him in the dark and had only told him that they were dealing with a bad man that wasn't leaving them alone. 

"How are you feeling?" Marco asked softly, he brushed his fingers through Sansa's hair knowing that this was the first time they'd been able to relax like this in a while. 

The football session had gone back to normal and Marco doubted that things were going to calm down anytime soon; he wanted to spend more time with his family while he had the chance. 

Sansa smiled softly, she closed her eyes knowing that she had no idea how she would have dealt with all of this without him; she was so sure that Connor would have hurt her by now if it wasn't for Marco.

"I'm fine," Sansa said looking up at him, she could see that he was worried and she hated that he had been caught in the middle of this; she wished that there was some way that she could ease his mind. 

Marco and his family had been wonderful since Connor had come back into her life, they had been doing so much for Sansa and she had no idea how she would ever repay them for everything that they had done. 

Marco yawned tiredly, he loved cuddling in bed with Sansa and he was happy that his mother had offered to take Finn for a couple of hours so that they could have some alone time together. 

The sound of the phone ringing disturbed the couple and Marco groaned as he pulled away from Sansa to answer it; he paused at the sight of his lawyer's number and he hoped that he was about to get some good news. 

Sansa looked at Marco as he answered the call, she could see that something big was happening and she was hopeful that it was some good news; she was frightened to leave the house in case something happened and she was sure it was Connor related. 

Marco grinned as his lawyer gave him news that he had been waiting for and news that he certainly hadn't been expecting; he felt lighter knowing that Connor wasn't going to be a problem anymore for them. 

Disconnecting the call, Marco turned to Sansa and kissed her pleased with what his lawyer had said and he hoped that she would feel the same; things could finally go back to normal for them. 

"Connor has been arrested," Marco revealed when he pulled back from his fiancée, he brushed some hair from her face knowing that they couldn't have gotten better news about their stalker. 

Sansa stared at Marco, she couldn't help but wonder what could have happened to get Connor arrested this time.


"He broke his parole," Marco explained to his mother as he handed her a cup of coffee, he hadn't wasted time in sharing the news and he knew that Connor would be spent back to prison over this. 

Manuela smiled relieved that the creep was off the streets, she was fair from pleased that the police had taken so long to do something about him after all the complaints that had been made. 

"What did they catch him doing?" Thomas asked looking at his son, Connor had broken his parole a long time before he had been arrested and he wondered what had finally made the police step in. 

Marco paused and looked at his father, he hadn't told Sansa this since he didn't want to scare her anymore; he knew that she had suffered enough at Connor's hands.

"He was trying to buy a gun," Marco revealed glad that Sansa wasn't in hearing range, she had taken Finn to have a bath and he had insisted that she take it easy since she was pregnant. 

Manuela and Thomas stared at their son horrified, they could only imagine what Connor would have done with the weapon and they were glad the police had stopped him. 

Marco sat down, he didn't want to think too much about what had been going through Connor's head; the man was clearly insane and he hoped he would be locked away for a while. 

"I hope they lock him up and throw away the key," Thomas ranted with a shake of his head, he couldn't believe what he was hearing and he knew that Connor was dangerous; he didn't want to see Marco, Sansa or Finn hurt by that man. 

Manuela nodded her head in agreement, she feared for her son and his family; she prayed that things would get better now that, that man was locked away. 

Marco leant back on the couch, he wanted to focus now on Sansa, Finn and the baby; he didn't want to spend any more time worrying about a man who seemed to enjoy causing people pain.


"Are you coming to bed?" Sansa asked stepping into the spare room that Marco was standing in, she wasn't sure what he was doing but it was getting late and she knew things were going to be busy tomorrow. 

Marco's lawyer wanted to speak to her about having a restraining order put in place while Connor was in prison, it would help keep Sansa and Finn safe when the man was released again. 

"What do you think?" Marco asked turning to look at Sansa with smile on his face, he waved his hand signalling to the room that he was standing in. 

Sansa looked at him wondering what he was talking about, she looked around trying to figure it out while Marco walked over to her; he lead her further into the room and looked around. 

"I was thinking this could be the nursery for the baby," Marco said smiling at Sansa, he wrapped his arms around her knowing that in a few months their baby was going to be there. 

Marco was hoping that the birth wouldn't clash with the Euros, he wanted to play for his country but he didn't want to risk missing the birth of his first child. 

Sansa blinked at Marco's words, she looked around the room surprised that he was thinking about this; she nodded her head sure that it was the perfect size for their baby. 

"Great," Marco said happily, he led Sansa over to the bed and sat her down before he started to talk her through the plans that he had in his mind for the nursery; he couldn't wait to find out what they were having. 

Sansa smiled listening to Marco talk, he was already a wonderful father to Finn and she was sure that he would be the same when the baby was born in a few months' time; she just hoped they didn't have any more problems.

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