Chapter Twenty-Six: Connor Stewart

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"You look amazing," Connor stated smiling at Sansa, he had been hoping to run into her and now that he had he couldn't help but admire her; the last few years had clearly been good to her. 

Connor had missed her a little while he had been in prison, he knew he had completely ruined his chances of ever being able to call her his but that didn't mean that he would never see her again; they had something that forever connected them. 

Sansa stood frozen at the sight of the man that had come so close to ruining her life, she had no idea what to do and she felt sick at the fact that he was stood just feet away from her after what he had done. 

Marco gritted his teeth moving to step in front of Sansa so that Connor couldn't see her, he wanted to throttle the man before him but he wasn't going to sink to Connor's leave; he knew that the other man was nothing but trouble. 

Connor chuckled amused at the sight of Marco, he had heard that the couple had gotten back together and he was a little disappointed; he didn't need the footballer interfering with things now that he was out of prison. 

"I'm surprised you two are back together after everything that happened," Connor mused slowly stepping closer, he tried to look past the footballer that was blocking his view of Sansa; he wanted to talk to her alone and he knew that they had so much to talk about. 

Sansa whimpered softly when she realised that Connor was coming closer, she didn't want him anywhere near her or Finn; she didn't know why he had come back into her life. 

"I think that is close enough," Marco snapped reaching back to take Sansa's hand, he could only imagine the pictures that the press might be getting if they were around at that moment. 

Connor rolled his eyes before turning his attention to Sansa, he knew that she was scared of him and that had never been his intention when he had assaulted her; he wanted to set a few things straight so that they could move forward.

"I sent you some visitation requests... you never came to see me," Connor murmured knowing that he hadn't expected anything less, he had hurt her in a moment of weakness but they needed to put this behind them. 

Marco gritted his teeth staring at Connor, he held on tightly to Sansa's hand as if to remind her that she wasn't alone in this; he was never going to leave her alone with this man. 

"I wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with the fact you raped her," Marco spat not taking his eyes of the threat to his pregnant fiancée, he wanted nothing more than to make sure that Connor would never threaten his family again. 

Connor frowned, he had never denied what he had done and he did feel a little bad about what he had done but he was now focusing on the future; he knew that he would be seeing a lot of Sansa from now on. 

"I think we need to talk Sansa, there is much for us to discuss," Connor said shaking his head and ignoring Marco, he wanted nothing from the footballer and he doubted that he would stick around for long. 

Connor had spent the last few months looking at pictures of Marco playing happy families with his son; that wouldn't continue for a moment longer and he would make sure that Marco didn't come here his son again. 

"She is not going anywhere with you," Marco hissed trying to remain as calm as possible; he had no idea what was going through Connor's mind but he knew that the man should not be this close to Sansa after what he had done. 

Connor snorted smirking at Marco, he could see that he was getting under his skin and he was pleased that he was; he had never liked the footballer and he didn't think that he was good enough for someone like Sansa. 

"This has nothing to do with you," Connor replied, he wanted to get rid of Marco so that he could talk with Sansa and he knew that the footballer would only convince her that he was trouble.

Sansa closed her eyes, she had never thought that she would have to face Connor again and she didn't know how he had found her; she was sure that he had been keeping an eye on her while he was in prison. 

"There is nothing for you to talk about," Marco snapped stepping towards Connor threateningly, he wasn't going to let this man ruin things for a second time; he wanted to make sure that Connor couldn't hurt his family again. 

Sansa pressed herself up against Marco's back, she was so glad that her fiancé was so much taller than her right now; she could hide behind him without anyone being able to see her. 

"I think there is. I want to see our son," Connor said confidently, he had no intentions of letting his son think that another man was his father; he wanted to be a part of the life that he had helped create. 

Marco stared at Connor wondering if he was completely crazy, there was no way in hell that he was going to let Finn meet this man; he would do everything legally to prevent that from happening. 

"No," Sansa whispered starting to shake, the last thing that she wanted was for Finn to ever learn that he was related to this monster. 

Sansa had hoped that this would never come around since Marco had adopted her son, she knew that Connor didn't know that and she feared what he would do when he learnt the truth. 

"He isn't your son," Marco said firmly, he could feel Sansa shaking and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle her but he couldn't without letting Connor see her; he had to get rid of the other man and fast. 

Connor raised an eyebrow at Marco, he knew for a fact that the little boy was his child; the court case had confirmed that when Sansa had put him behind bars for what he had done to her.

"I adopted him... I am his father," Marco stated not looking away from Connor, he smirked seeing the furious look on the other man's face; he was glad that he had gotten under his skin and he knew that things would be okay.

Connor stared at Marco as the other man's words slowly started to sink in, he didn't want to believe that he might have lost rights to his first child; anger surged through him and he wanted to hurt Marco. 

"You will never meet him, he is nothing to do with you," Marco continued wanting to make this as clear as possible, the last thing that he wanted was for Connor to get any ideas. 

Finn was better off without him and Marco knew that Connor had no legal rights to him, he would never get to see the little boy and Marco knew that he would stop that from happening. 

Connor clenched his fists and made to make a move towards Marco and Sansa when someone called out to them; he frowned stepping back before he noticed that it was paparazzi. 

"This is far from over," Connor spat before he turned on his heel and walked away, he wasn't going to let this go and he knew that things would have to be taken slowly if he wanted to meet his son for the first time. 

Marco sighed in relief as he quickly turned and wrapped his arms around his fiancée and whispered softly to her; the last thing that he wanted was for her to get stressed while she was pregnant. 

"It'll be okay," Marco murmured wondering how quick this would end up in the papers, he didn't want anything to happen to Sansa or Finn and the press would go crazy over this. 

Sansa sniffled not sure if she completely believed Marco, she knew that this wasn't the end of all of this and she feared what was coming.

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