Chapter Fifteen: Marco's Decision

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Sansa sighed relieved as she finally stepped into the house and closed the door behind her, she had no idea what to think about the press constantly following her around but it was something that she was getting used to. 

Finn had come home from the hospital, the day before and Sansa was a little hopeful that he would do well at home; it wasn't long until he was due to start his chemotherapy. 

Sansa padded into the kitchen and started to put the shopping away, she peeked over at Marco who was messing around on his computer; he had been so quiet in the last few days and she wondered what was going on with him. 

"Marco? Are you okay?" Sansa asked brushing some blonde hair from her face, she could see that something was bothering him; she wondered if it had something to do with the fact his family hadn't contacted him yet. 

Sansa was a little surprised that there hadn't been any angry voicemails from his parents, she wondered why it was so quiet and she knew Marco hadn't been himself the last week. 

"I've been thinking," Marco murmured turning to look at his girlfriend, he had no idea how she was going to take his idea but he wasn't going to change his mind. 

Marco hadn't told her anything about his mother's visit, Sansa had enough on her plate with Finn coming home from the hospital and starting chemo in a couple of weeks. 

"Well that's never a good thing," Sansa teased softly, she moved to put the milk in the fridge wondering what was going on with him; she had no idea what to do with him being so quiet. 

Sansa peeked at the clock knowing that it was nearly time for Finn's medicine, she was sure that he hadn't moved from his bed where he was resting. 

"Marco?" Sansa murmured turning to look at her boyfriend, he hadn't said anything and she was beginning to get a little worried about him especially since he was never this quiet.

Marco stared at his girlfriend, he had no idea how she was going to say about what he had in mind and he had been thinking about it a lot since their relationship had come out to the press. 

"I want to adopt Finn," Marco announced watching Sansa, he didn't like the fact that Connor would be known as the little boy's father; it should have been him and he wasn't going to let Connor think he had some claim over Finn. 

Marco wanted everyone to know that Finn was his child and eliminate as much of a link between the little boy and the man that had raped his mother; everyone would find out and this was the best way to divert that attention. 

"We've barely been back together for a month," Sansa whispered staring at Marco shocked at his announcement, she wasn't sure what to say to him and she had no idea what had brought this on. 

Sansa knew that Marco had been quiet but she had never considered that he was thinking about adopting her son, she wondered what had brought this on since he hadn't said anything before. 

"That doesn't matter," Marco murmured shaking his head, he had barely had Sansa and Finn in his life for over a month but he knew what he wanted; he didn't care what anyone else thought and he had to do this. 

Marco wanted to end all possible talk of Finn's father, he wanted to tell people that the little boy was his and he didn't care how that happened; he was sure about this and had already begun to speak with his lawyer. 

"Marco what is this really about?" Sansa whispered walking over to her boyfriend, she didn't know what to say to him but she could see that there was more to this. 

Marco shook his head closing his green eyes trying not to snap, he wasn't going to let his mother's words get to him.

Manuela had been quick to point out that Sansa had betrayed him and that he would be better off dumping her before she took him for every penny that he had; Marco had been furious that she had done so. 

Marco knew that his mother was only worried about him but it didn't give her the right to talk about things that she knew nothing about; he was going through with this no matter what. 

"He should have been mine," Marco muttered shaking his head, he couldn't get it out of his head that Finn should have been his son and that had been taken from him. 

Marco had always wanted children and he knew that there was no way around the fact that Connor had fathered Finn but there was a way to make sure that Connor would never have a claim to the little boy. 

"If it wasn't for Connor... he would have been mine," Marco muttered looking at Sansa, he dreaded to think how much longer Connor would remain in prison; he didn't want the man thinking that he could claim Finn after what he had done to Sansa. 

Marco ran his fingers through his hair, he already knew that Connor wasn't on the birth certificate and that he would probably fight to change that. 

Sansa was silent as she looked at her boyfriend, she moved to finish putting things away thinking about what he had said; she wasn't sure what to say about this since it was such a big step. 

"I don't want that man coming back into your life Sansa... he will always have some sort of claim to you and Finn," Marco said watching her, he hated to think of Connor coming back and taking Sansa from him again; he didn't deserve to have her or Finn in his life. 

Sansa paused and peeked at Marco, she could sense that she was missing something and she didn't like it; she wanted to know what had brought this on and why Marco was suddenly interested in doing this. 

"This isn't something that you can just get rid of when you're bored Marco," Sansa murmured looking to her boyfriend, she felt touched that he wanted to adopt her son as his own but she was worried about what had made him decided.

Marco nodded his head, he walked over to Sansa and made her face him as he thought about everything that they had been through; he knew what he wanted and he wasn't going to let this go. 

"I know and I still want to do this," Marco whispered to her, he could understand why she was nervous about his decision but this was what he wanted; he wanted to be Finn's father and eliminate his family getting hurt again. 

Sansa and Finn meant so much to him and Marco wanted to keep them safe, they were going through so much already with Finn's treatment. 

"Are you sure about this?" Sansa asked looking up at Marco, she was still concerned about the fact that he was bringing this up now; she was sure something had happened and she wasn't sure what it was. 

Sansa wondered for a moment if his parents had something to do with it, they had been pretty quiet since the news broke that they were back together and she wondered if that was entirely true. 

"I want us to be a family Sansa... I've never wanted anything more," Marco reassured, he wasn't asking her to sign the papers that would allow him to do this straight away but he wanted her to consider it for the moment. 

Marco kissed Sansa, he wanted them to put the past behind them and he already was considering popping the question for their first anniversary; he had set himself that deadline in an attempt not to rush things between them. 

"Just think about it Sansa," Marco whispered to her, he wasn't going to push her for a decision but he did know what he wanted; he brushed some blonde hair from her face and kissed her again. 

Sansa closed her green eyes, she would take time to consider what Marco wanted, she had to do what was best for Finn and she wasn't going to rush any decision about his future.

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