Chapter Fourteen: Marco Reus's Girlfriend

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Sansa grumbled to herself as she stared at the morning newspaper, she couldn't believe how quickly the news had broken and now everyone knew that Marco Reus was her boyfriend again. 

Sansa ran her fingers through her hair stressed, they hadn't long got back together and she was worried that they wouldn't be strong enough to stand against the negativity that was coming their way. 

Marco wrapped his arms around Sansa and held her close, he hated that they were forced to do this now when they had only been together for two weeks. 

"It'll be okay," Marco murmured holding Sansa close, he wanted nothing more than to make this okay and they had talked the night before about what might come out now the press knew about them. 

Sansa was going to have to deal with the fact that her rape might come out, it wasn't going to be pleasant but there was no way around it and Marco wasn't going to let people bring her down for that. 

Sansa had been through something traumatic and had come out the other side fighting, she had a son that needed her and Marco wasn't about to lose Sansa again. 

"Your mother keeps calling," Sansa whispered peeking over at the phone, she was a little frightened what would happen when she came face to face with Marco's family again. 

There was no way that Manuela and Thomas would be welcoming to her or Finn, they would want her gone and there was no way around that fact; Sansa had hurt Marco when she left and she had to deal with the consequences. 

"I'll call her back later," Marco murmured gently shaking his head, he wasn't in the mood to deal with his mother's complaints that he had gotten back together with Sansa; he was happy and that was what mattered. 

Sansa and Finn were here to stay and Marco wasn't going to change his mind, he knew that it wasn't going to be easy but he wasn't going to let anything happen this time.


Climbing out of the car, Sansa took a deep breath as she shouldered her bag and walked towards the hospital; she wasn't going to hide away and not come and see her son, Finn was due to leave the hospital soon. 

Sansa moved quickly, she didn't have to guess to know that there was a paparazzi hanging around waiting to snap her picture; she was going to have to get used to this. 

Being Marco Reus's girlfriend was big news and Sansa doubted that things would ever be quiet, she was going to have to deal with being followed and photographer again. 

Sansa nibbled on her lip as the paparazzi started to shout to her, she had no interest in answering their questions about her relationship or how her son was doing after his operation. 

It was almost a relief to step into the hospital, there were always going to be people watching her; Sansa just had to make sure that they didn't get close to Finn, not while he was ill and in case someone told him about his father. 

Sansa headed quickly to Finn's ward, she kept her head down and she wished that things were that simple; Marco had promised to try and keep them away but it wasn't going to be easy. 

"Mama," Finn cried excitedly as Sansa stepped into his ward, she smiled looking at her son and walked over to his bed; she couldn't wait for him to come home so that he didn't have people staring at him. 

Sansa set down her bag and hugged her son, she was glad that he looked so much better and now they just needed to wait for his chemo to start. 

"Did you eat all of your breakfast?" Sansa asked brushing her fingers through Finn's hair, she smiled at him glad that he was doing so much better after his operation. 

Sansa listened to Finn talk about his morning, she was glad to hear that he was doing so well and hoped that he would be home soon; she would be glad that this was all over and he was home. 

"Mama... who is my papa?" Finn asked softly looking at Sansa, he stared up at her with big brown eyes; he had never asked about him before and the look of shock on his mother's face made him frown. 

Sansa opened and closed her mouth trying to think of what to say, the last thing that she wanted to do was tell her son that his father was a rapist; she didn't even see Connor as Finn's father but as a sperm donor that wasn't coming back. 

"You've never asked about him before," Sansa murmured moving to sit down next to her son, she brushed her fingers through his hair trying not to panic; she didn't know what to do and this scared her. 

Sansa wanted nothing more than to brush this all away, she didn't know what to do here since she never thought that this was going to come up; she had feared the press would end up printing the story of her court case when they wanted something to say about her. 

"The nurse asked me about him because Marco isn't my papa," Finn revealed staring up at his mother innocently, he hadn't known what to say when the nurse asked him during breakfast; she had asked him about his family life and things about his mother. 

Sansa felt her stomach turn at the thought that a nurse had been trying to get information from her son to give to the papers; she took a deep breath knowing that she needed to focus on what she was going to say to Finn. 

"I'll tell you when you're older," Sansa told her son before she peeked around knowing that she was going to put in a complaint when she had the chance; whoever the nurse was she wasn't going to let this go.


Marco cursed listening to Sansa tell him what had happened at the hospital, he couldn't believe that someone would do that; he didn't blame his girlfriend for being upset about a nurse trying to get information out of Finn. 

"I'll try and calm things down," Marco murmured leaning against the counter and closing his eyes, he knew that things would take time to settle now that he was back together with Sansa but that didn't mean that he wanted them thinking it was okay to target Finn. 

Marco wanted nothing more than to go to his girlfriend and support her, he hated that he was home without them; he was even missing Finn and hoped he'd be home soon. 

Marco had done a lot of thinking and he knew that he needed to talk to Sansa about the issue that was going to keep coming up; sooner or later Finn would ask about his father. 

Sansa was never going to acknowledge Connor as Finn's father and he knew that the man didn't deserve that title; Marco wanted to be the little boy's father, he deserved it so much more. 

"I'll think of something," Marco promised hearing the door ring, he frowned knowing that they weren't expecting anyone and he hoped that it wasn't more trouble. 

Mats had already given him an earful about his relationship and Marco wasn't in the mood for more people to try and talk him out of being with Sansa. 

Heading for the door Marco stopped when he opened it to find his mother standing outside of his home and she didn't look happy at all.

"We need to talk," Manuela stated staring at her only son, he had avoided her calls all day and she wasn't going to let Sansa get her claws back into Marco and hurt him; she was here to talk some sense into her son.

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