Chapter Five: Wanting Closure

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Taking a deep breath as he stared up at the apartment building, Marco wondered for a moment if he was doing the right thing; he had no idea what to expect when he went upstairs to the apartment where Sansa now lived.

Marco was a little surprised that she lived in such an area, his heart pounded in his chest as he wondered what had happened to change Sansa’s life so much; he had never expected her to fall so far since her parents were pretty well off.

“Are you sure that you want to do this?” Mats asked looking at his best friend concerned, he didn’t know what to think about Marco’s decision to come and speak to Sansa but he knew it had to be done.

It had been a week since Cathy had finally had enough and given Marco, Sansa’s address and work schedule; it had been a risky move and Mats worried that it might push Sansa away from them.

Sansa had been through a lot and while Marco didn’t know what had happened, it was clear that the blonde still struggled with what had happened to her; she had slowly moved on with her life and this was going to be hard.

“I need closure,” Marco whispered not sure how he would feel when he saw Sansa again, deep down he still loved her and he knew that he always would; he just wanted answers about why she had ended things with him all those years ago.

Mats stared at Marco for a moment, he wished that he could have warned Sansa what was about to happen; Cathy had told him that they had done enough and he worried that this might be the end of their friendship with Sansa when she found out that they had betrayed her.

“Just be careful, Sansa had her reasons for doing what she did,” Mats murmured worried that Marco might do something stupid, they had so much history and someone was going to get hurt.


Sansa ran her fingers through her hair as she put the last of the washing in the machine, she had a late shift that night at the restaurant and Finn was in school for another few hours leaving her alone.

Sansa liked the quiet that she had and it wouldn’t last long, she closed the washing machine and turned it on just as the doorbell rang; she frowned knowing that they weren’t expecting anyone.

Walking out of the kitchen, Sansa took her time walking towards the front door; she doubted that it would be anyone important since Aunt Leila was at the shop working for the afternoon.

Opening the front door, Sansa’s entire world stopped as she came face to face with the man that she had broken; she hated herself for what she had done to Marco but he was much better off without her in his life.

“Marco…” Sansa whispered wondering how he had found out where she was living, she stared at him not sure what to say and she could see that this wasn’t going to be easy.

Marco swallowed staring at Sansa, she looked beautiful as the day that he had last seen her and he wasn’t sure if he could just walk away; he took a deep breath knowing that this wasn’t going to be so easily.

“Hallo Sansa,” Marco murmured trying to gain control of himself, he had come for answers about what had happened; he wanted them to talk and he wasn’t laving without knowing why she had ended things with him five years ago.

“Can I come in?” Marco asked nervously, he didn’t want to do this on the door step and he hoped Sansa wasn’t going to slam the door in his face; he had waited a week for a reason so that he wouldn’t do anything that he might regret.

Sansa nodded her head before allowing Marco to step into the apartment, she didn’t know who had told him where to find her but she didn’t think that she would ever be trusting them again after this.

“How did you know where I lived?” Sansa asked closing the door behind Marco, they had about an hour before Finn would be coming home with Aunt Leila and she wanted her ex-boyfriend gone so that he didn’t see her son.

Sansa didn’t want to answer any questions about Finn and the little boy’s father, she avoided them sort of questions since they brought back bad memories of what had happened to her.

“It doesn’t matter,” Marco replied moving to sit down on the couch, he didn’t want Sansa to fall out with Cathy over this and he could imagine how hurt Sansa would feel if she knew that her best friend had betrayed her.

The former couple were silent for a moment as they realised this was the first time that they had been so close since Sansa had ended things; it made them miss everything what they had in the past.

“Why are you here Marco?” Sansa asked sitting down away from Marco, she didn’t want to sit to close since she doubted that this meeting was going to end well.

Sansa had done something horrible to him and she doubted that Marco would ever forgive her if he knew what had happened between her and Connor; he would hate her for being so weak that she hadn’t been able to fight him off.

“I want answers Sansa. Why did you end things?” Marco asked not seeing the point in dragging this out, he wanted to know why she had dumped him right before he had been about to ask her to marry him.

Marco knew that Cathy and Mats knew why Sansa had done it but they had never told him why, he hated that he was being kept in the dark about something that involved him.

“Marco,” Sansa murmured with a shake of her head, she doubted that giving him answers would help and she was worried what he would think when he knew the truth.

Marco stared at Sansa, he could see that she was hurting and he knew that it wasn’t just down to him being here; he wasn’t leaving until he knew why she had ended things the way that she had.

Sansa had been everything to him and Marco had been set on marrying her, he wanted to know why she had thrown that all away without looking back; he needed answers to move on; the sound of keys in the door made Sansa’s heart stop knowing who it would be.

“Finn what have I said about running?” Aunt Leila called opening the front door and allowing the little boy into the house, school had finished early and she was sure that Sansa would have forgotten.

Sansa felt her heart stop as her four year old son rushed into the apartment, she barely had time to react before Marco saw the little boy; she wanted nothing more than to disappear at that moment.

Finn rushed over to his mother and all but threw himself onto her lap, he stared up at her with big brown eyes that he had inherited from his father.

“I missed you mama,” Finn murmured hugging Sansa, he hadn’t noticed the famous footballer that was sat in the living room; he cuddled into Sansa’s arms while she hugged Finn back.

Sansa was happy that he seemed better since he had been complaining of a stomach ache before he had gone to school that morning; she had called the doctor since it had been happening a lot recently.

“You have a son,” Marco whispered as it dawned on him that he had seen this little boy before, it was a fact that Finn couldn’t have been more than five years old and looked so much like Sansa except for his eyes; he was Sansa’s son, but not Marco’s and that fact broke his heart more than anything that had happened. 

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