Chapter Twenty-Four: Merry Christmas

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Sansa blinked staring up at the ceiling in Marco's bedroom, it took her a moment to remember what day it was and she couldn't believe that it was finally Christmas; she was a little nervous about the day. 

It was going to be so different from the last few that she'd shared with Finn, Sansa hadn't had much money since her parents had disowned her and she had always worked so hard to ensure that her son never went without at least a couple of presents. 

Aunt Leila had done her best to help out but it had never been easy and there were things that Finn had missed out on during the holidays because they just couldn't afford to get him things. 

Marco wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waist and pressed a kiss to her cheek, he knew that things hadn't been easy for her in the past and it was the reason that he had gone all out for Christmas. 

Marco wanted Sansa and Finn to have a good one and he was going to spoil the little boy rotten since he knew how tough things had been when it had just been Sansa looking after him. 

Sansa closed her eyes and wished that she had some idea on what to do about the changes in her life, she was expecting her second child and she was a little surprised that things had worked out so well for them. 

"Guten Morgen," Marco murmured pressing a kiss to her neck, he moved to rest a hand on her still flat stomach and he couldn't believe that they were going to have a baby together. 

Marco was so excited about the idea and he wanted to share every moment that he could with Sansa, he hadn't gotten to experience her first pregnancy and this one was so different. 

"Frohe Weihnachten," Sansa replied turning onto her side to face Marco, she knew his family would be here soon and she was a little nervous about spending the holidays with them but they all needed to moved forward. 


"You are glowing," Manuela gushed moving to hug Sansa completely ignoring Marco, she was so happy that things were working out and she couldn't wait to have another grandchild that she could spoil. 

Marco smiled watching his mother with Sansa, he was pleased that they had all been able to put the past behind them; he didn't want them all fighting when what had happened wasn't worth it. 

Sansa smiled politely, she felt a little nauseous and she hoped it would pass soon; she didn't want to spend all day clutching the toilet when they had guests and things to do. 

"How are you feeling?" Manuela asked stepping back to look at Sansa, she knew how rough the first trimester could be and she doubted that it was easy on the blonde. 

Marco moved to greet his father and sisters knowing that his mother would be distracted for a while; he doubted that she would really speak to him unless it was to nag about something, not that he minded as long as Manuela was being nice to Sansa. 

"You look happy," Thomas mused patting his son on the shoulder, he wanted Marco to be happy and he really hoped that everything worked out for his son; he wanted his son to be careful especially with what would be happening in the next few months. 

Sansa had received a letter to warn her that Connor would be released from prison in the coming weeks and there was a large chance that he would want to come and see her; Finn was biologically his son and there was a chance that he would want to meet the little boy. 

Marco nodded his head, none of them wanted to think what would happen when Connor was released; he didn't want that man anywhere near his family and he hated that he was getting released now. 


Sansa smiled watching Finn playing with his new toys on the living room floor, he looked so happy playing with Nico; the day had been good and she'd actually enjoyed herself with Marco's family. 

Manuela had insisted on making Christmas dinner and it had been a while since Sansa could remember having such a big dinner; she had gone all out and had been thrilled to have the entire family around. 

Sansa brushed some hair from her face, she couldn't believe how much had changed in the past year; she never would have guessed this was where she would be in her life. 

Marco walked up behind his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her, today had been amazing and he was sure that things would only get better; he couldn't wait for their baby to be born in July and he was sure things would be perfect. 

Sansa smiled turning to face Marco and kissing him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and she honestly wasn't sure what she would do without him; he had promised to keep her and Finn safe from whatever happened next with Connor. 

Marco didn't want the rapist coming anywhere near his family or his home, he didn't know what he would do if Connor attempted to approach them but he wasn't going to let him hurt Sansa again. 

Finn was his son now and Marco was going to be the only father that Finn knew, he wasn't going to let Connor have any part in the little boy's life; he didn't deserve it not after what he had done to Sansa, he had nearly ruined her life. 

"You look beautiful," Marco murmured pulling back from Sansa, he held her close and wished that he knew how to make sure that Connor would never hurt her again.

Sansa blushed a little and looked away from Marco, he took her hand and lead her into the kitchen so that they were alone for a moment; he was sure his parents would be able to keep an eye on Finn for a moment. 

 "Marco?" Sansa asked not sure what was going on with her boyfriend, he lead her out onto the patio and into the snow; she didn't know what was going on but she was sure that he had something planned. 

Marco smiled turned to face his girlfriend, he knew what was going to happen and he wanted nothing more than to do this; he was sure that she would be surprised. 

Sansa watched as Marco pulled a small black box out of his pocket, she stared at him stunned as she realised what he was about to do; she couldn't believe that this was about to happen. 

"You've been a big part of my life, I don't know what I would ever do without you Sansa," Marco mumbled trying to stay calm, he couldn't believe how nervous he felt and he knew that he could do this. 

Sansa clapped a hand over her mouth as Marco dropped down on one knee in the snow, she had never imagined that he would want to take this step with her after what had happened; she had assumed that he would wait years before moving forward. 

"Sansa Catelyn Farber, you are my best friend and I would be so honoured if you would become my wife?" Marco asked opening up the black box to reveal the 9ct white gold 15 point diamond square cluster engagement ring that he had been carrying round for the last five years. 

Marco hadn't been able to ignore the fact that things had changed between them but he wanted to take this step with her; they had waited long enough for this moment and he hoped that she wanted the same thing. 

"Yes," Sansa whispered making Marco grin before he got to his feet and kissed Sansa, he couldn't believe that they were now engaged. 

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