Chapter Twenty-One: The Next Step

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Marco smiled to himself as he walked into his home, he was pleased with how his latest match had gone and he was looking forward to spending the evening with Sansa and Finn; the little boy had just finished his chemo and things were looking good.

Finn had been through so much and things were looking up now, his scans were clear and the doctor was happy to say that he was in the clear right now; they would be keeping an eye on Finn in the future to ensure that it didn't return.

Marco had no idea what he would have done if that news hadn't come, he had been in the little boy's life for six months now and he couldn't imagine his life without him in it; he was a father now and that was all that mattered to him.

Marco didn't want to think about what would have happened if he had never have found Sansa again, he was happy and he knew that things could only get better; Marco was still thinking of proposing to Sansa.

Marco hadn't said anything to Sansa about this because he wasn't sure how she would feel about getting married; they were back to how they had been five years earlier and he was sure that things would work well for them.

"Daddy," Finn called rushing to greet Marco, he had a picture that he had painted at school in his hands and Marco smiled knowing he would never get tired of hearing his son call him that.

Marco ducked down and picked the little boy up, he had so much more energy since the chemo had stopped; he was better now and he was excited about his birthday which was coming up.

"Is this for me?" Marco asked smiling at Finn, he adored the little boy and he knew that it was a good thing that Finn would never learn the truth about his real father.

Marco would do everything in his power to keep Connor away from his family, the rapist was nothing but trouble and Marco didn't want him coming back into their lives.

Finn nodded his head and handed the picture to Marco, he had been waiting for ages for him to come home and he knew his mother was busy making dinner; thing were going so well and he liked his new school.

"How was school?" Marco asked softly, it had been a big step moving him to a new school but Marco and Sansa had agreed it was for the best; the paparazzi weren't going to ease up anytime soon.

Finn quickly launched into how his day had been in school, he had made new friends and no one seemed to care that he didn't really have hair or that he was Marco Reus's son.

Marco nodded his head along as he listened to Finn talk, he headed into the kitchen and smiled at Sansa; they were a perfect little family and he wanted nothing more than to relax with them.

Sansa looked at Marco and smiled, she knew that he had been amazing in the past few months and she was ready to take the next step with him; they were still sleeping in separate rooms and she was ready to change that.

"Dinner is nearly ready," Sansa announced smiling at her boys, she wanted them to move forward and the only thing holding them back was her; she had been so nervous when they had gotten back together that things wouldn't work out.

Marco set Finn on his feet and told the little boy to go and wash up, he moved to help with the plates knowing that he was starving; he had never imagined that things would work out like this.

Finn hurried out of the kitchen to go and do as he was told, it wouldn't be long until dinner and he knew his mother didn't like it when he took too long; it meant that his dinner got cold.

Sansa watched him go, things felt right and she hoped that they would be able to adapt easily to the next step.


Marco ran his fingers through his wet hair as he padded back into his bedroom after having a shower, he was glad things were working out so well; he paused when he spotted Sansa sitting on his bed wearing her purple lace chemise.

"Sansa?" Marco asked not sure why his girlfriend was there, he knew they were taking things slow and he wasn't sure what to make of her being in his bedroom.

Sansa offered him a nervous smile as she watched him, it was now or never and she hoped that he wasn't going to reject her; she wanted to move forward since they had been stuck in limbo for long enough.

"I've been thinking about us," Sansa whispered eyeing Marco as he stood before her in just a white towel, she swallowed thickly knowing that it had been a long time since she had seen him like this.

Marco stared at Sansa, his heart pounding in his chest wondering just where she was going to take this; he didn't want to lose her and he doubted that she had come here dressed like that to end things.

"I am ready for us to take the next step Marco," Sansa said trying to ignore her own doubts, they might have been dating but they acted more like room-mates sometimes and she wanted to put a stop to that; they were together and they needed to remember that.

Marco grinned realising what she was saying, he took a careful step towards her knowing that it had been a long time for both of them; he had no idea how long he had been waiting for things to take this step.

"Are you sure?" Marco asked not wanting to pressure Sansa into taking this step, she had told him that she hadn't been with anyone since what had happened with Connor; he didn't want to scare her away when he was happy to wait a little longer for her.

Sansa nodded her head, she trusted Marco and she knew that he would never hurt her like Connor had; she felt like they had waited long enough to make love and she wanted to share a bedroom with him again.


Finn made quiet noises as he played with his toys, he knew that he should be asleep but he wasn't tired and he had to be quiet so that his mother and father didn't find out that he wasn't.

Finn sighed a little bored of playing with himself, he wanted someone to play with and he was sure that there was something that his parents could do about it; a lot of his friends at school had brothers and sisters to play with at home.

"I want a baby brother," Finn whispered to himself, he wanted someone to spend time with at home and he knew that his parents loved him so much.

Finn frowned for a moment as he thought about all the fun that he would have if his parents gave him another sibling; he had no idea where babies came from but he knew that his parents could get one.

Finn got to his feet and padded over to his small desk, he pulled out his paper that he had been preparing to send to Santa for his Christmas present list.

Sansa always got him to start writing it early in an attempt to make sure that she could get him the presents that he wanted when she had been working; she had struggling but it had been the best that she could do.

"Dear Santa Claus," Finn whispered slowly starting to write out his letter knowing that he wanted one thing more than anything else and he hoped that Santa would be able to help him out in some way.

Finn worked quietly on his letter, he would have a little while before he would give it to his mother to post for him; he was certain that she and Marco would be thrilled to have another child in the house.

Finn wanted to have siblings and he hoped that Santa would be able to help him get some.

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