Chapter Twelve: Waiting for News

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"You didn't have to come," Sansa whispered as Marco handed her a coffee, she still couldn't believe that he was here with her while they waited for news about how her son's operation went. 

Sansa was a little relieved that Marco was here with her, she didn't know how she would have coped on her own since her Aunt couldn't make it since she had work and Cathy was busy doing something. 

"I couldn't stay away," Marco admitted sipping on his own, he wrinkled his nose at the taste and he knew that he shouldn't have been surprised at how bad the hospital coffee was. 

Marco looked to Sansa, he hated that she would have sat here alone for several hours waiting for news on how Finn's operation went; it was going to be easy but he knew that he had to be here no matter what happened. 

Marco had grown attached to the little boy and he was going to try even harder to make him feel at home when he was released from hospital; he was sure that Finn would like his bedroom redecorated and some new toys. 

Marco wasn't going to be allowing Sansa to slip through his fingers again and he knew that if he wanted her to stay then he needed to bond with Finn. 

"Thank you," Sansa said looking to Marco, none of this would be happening without him and she knew that her son was getting the best treatment; she had no idea how she could make this up to him after everything that he had done for her. 

"It was nothing," Marco replied not wanting to make a big deal out of this, he was just happy that they were giving things a second chance; things were still tense but they would work on that when Finn wasn't going through hell and tons of treatment. 

Marco knew that the little boy came first and Sansa was the only parent that Finn had in his life, he hoped that he would be able to help her in some way with everything that was going on.

"When does he start chemo?" Marco asked knowing that it was just another step in making Finn better, he would help in anyway and he had been doing some reading in what to expect when Finn had his chemotherapy. 

It was going to be a lot of work for Sansa and she was going to need his support, he wanted to be able to help Sansa and Finn since Marco wanted to move forward with their lives. 

"The 1st of May," Sansa replied knowing that it was only a couple of weeks away, it would give time for Finn to recover as long as nothing went wrong with his surgery. 

Marco nodded his head, he felt his stomach twist at the thought of what the little boy was going through; he knew that it was going to be hard and he had caught himself sometimes considering Finn as his own son. 

Sansa messed with her cup, she couldn't believe that this was happening to them and she wished that things would be easy for them; she had no idea what to expect from Marco now they were sort of back together. 

"Have you spoken to your parents?" Sansa asked curiously, she doubted that Manuela and Thomas would be welcoming when they found out that she was dating their son again. 

Sansa had broken Marco's heart and while she had done the right thing in her mind considering what had happened to her; she was worried about what would happen when they found out that Marco had taken her back. 

"Not yet," Marco replied shaking his head, he wasn't ready to tell his parents the massive change in his life and he already knew that they weren't going to be happy; not only about the fact that Sansa and her son were living with him but the fact that they had gotten back together. 

Sansa was silent watching Marco wondering how they were going to do this, she could only imagine the backlash he would get for taking her back; she worried that he would hurt her like she hurt him. 

"Are you sure about this Marco?" Sansa asked carefully, she knew that she deserved whatever he did and she just hoped that things wouldn't work out like her thoughts told her that they would. 

Marco would always have a piece of her heart, he was her first everything and Sansa had a feeling that things were going to be weird for a while if this continued. 

"Of course I am," Marco said staring at Sansa, he knew that she was worried about how things would work out when they started telling people that they had gotten back together. 

Marco had been a mess when things had ended between them but now he understood why Sansa had done it and he couldn't blame her for that; she had reacted badly to a traumatic experience and that wasn't going to change how he felt about her. 

"I want this to work... I want you in my life," Marco reassured reaching across the table and taking Sansa's hand, he could only see himself with her and he would take his chances with everything else. 

Marco wasn't going to change his mind and everyone else was going to have to get used to the idea that he was dating Sansa again; he had a good feeling about this and they just needed to work on them a little bit. 

Sansa stared at Marco, she felt butterflies in her stomach as she stared at her boyfriend and wondered if they would ever be like they were five years ago; she truly regretted pushing him away when he was being so perfect now. 

Sansa just hoped that when everyone else found out that they wouldn't be too upset, she wanted nothing more than to make things right for what she had done.


"Mama," Finn whimpered slowly started to wake up, he felt his mother squeeze his hand as she waited for him to wake up; it had been a long few hours and everything had gone well according to the doctor. 

Sansa smiled at her son knowing that everything was going to be alright now, he would recover from his surgery; she just wanted him better now and that was what mattered to her. 

"I'm here," Sansa reassured gently, she knew that he was going to be okay but she hoped things would go well when he started chemo in a couple of weeks; she brushed her fingers through his hair trying to comfort him a little as he slowly came around. 

Finn would be spending another week in hospital to ensure that his incision was healing well and he didn't pull his stitches; he was going to be alright and Sansa was sure of it. 

Marco watched Sansa with her son, his stomach turned knowing that there was still a long road ahead of them and Finn still had treatment to go through yet; he would be here as much as he could to support Finn and Sansa. 

Marco had no idea what was going to happen when chemotherapy started, he knew it was going to be tough of Finn and they were going to need all the help that they could get with what was coming. 

Marco ran his fingers through his hair, he wasn't going to let them suffer and he hoped that they wouldn't have any problems when people started to find out that they had gotten back together; Mats hadn't been very supportive when Marco had mentioned it to him. 

Sansa peeked over at Marco, she had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting couple of months; she wanted to take things slow since she had enough on her plate right now. 

Marco and Sansa were very aware that there would be issues with them getting back together, it wouldn't be long before they were spotted together by the paparazzi and their relationship revealed.

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