Chapter Thirty-Four: Heading to France

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Marco took a deep breath as he finished packing his suitcase, he was all set to fly out to France with the national team and he was a little worried about leaving Sansa alone especially with only a month left to her due date. 

It had been playing on his mind a lot since the meeting with her parents and Marco was hopeful that everything would be work out for them while he was away playing in the Euros. 

The couple had even arranged for Finn to fly out with Marco's parents to see a couple of matches since Sansa wasn't going to be able to make the trip; they didn't want to risk anything happening to her or their baby. 

"I'm going to miss you," Sansa murmured watching Marco, she had never expected the Euros to come around so quickly and she hated that she wouldn't be able to see him until he came home. 

Things were still a little awkward between her and her parents, she had spoken to them a couple of times since their meeting and it was going to take time for them to get over what had happened. 

Marco sighed slowly turning around and wrapping his arms around Sansa, he hated to leave her and he really did hope that their little boy waited until his due date to be born.

It scared him that there was a large chance that the baby could arrive while he was in France, he wanted to be by Sansa's side when she gave birth to their son. 

"I'll speak to you every night," Marco promised holding Sansa, he wanted to make things as easy as possible and he knew that Finn was so excited about coming to a couple of his matches. 

Manuela had offered to take him since he had been so disappointed that they wouldn't be able to go because Sansa was so heavily pregnant right now; she loved spending time with her grandson and Marco's sisters would keep Sansa company while they were gone.


"I'll see you soon," Marco promised hugging Finn, he was due to leave at any moment and he was suddenly so nervous about leaving his family behind; he really hoped that it would all work out. 

Marco wanted to do so well with the team, he wanted to prove himself since he'd missed out on the world cup because of an injury and he was determined to make his family proud of him. 

"Be good for your mama," Marco said gently pulling back from Finn, he smiled down at his son and he knew that he was really going to miss him while he was away. 

Kissing the top of his son's head, Marco hoped that Germany would be able to reach the Round of 16 so that Finn would be able to come out with his parents; he was sure that they would be to do so. 

Finn nodded his head as he stared up at Marco with big eyes, he sniffled cuddling his father not wanting him to leave; he couldn't shake te feeling that something bad was going to happen and he would never see him again. 

Marco sighed gently pulling away from Finn so that he could say goodbye to Sansa, he peeked at his mother who gently moved to comfort Finn knowing that this was all too new to him. 

Sure Marco was away with Dortmund a bit but that didn't change the fact he had never really had to deal with Marco being gone on an international leave. 

Sansa took a deep breath allowing Marco to pull her into his arms, she felt so out of place right now and she wasn't the only one saying goodbye to her boyfriend and it didn't look easy for any of them. 

The airport was filled with German footballers saying goodbye to their loved ones so they could go and play in France.

"I'll call you when I reach the hotel," Marco murmured holding Sansa close, he wished that she could come with him and he really hoped that he could make her proud; he had no idea when he would be seeing her like this again. 

It would be weeks before he was able to come home and nearly a month if Germany did well in the tournament, Marco knew that he was just going to have to get used to it. 

"Be safe," Sansa whispered holding Marco close, it was a little difficult with her bump and she couldn't imagine how big she could be when he came home to her; she wanted him to do well and she was sure that Germany would do just fine. 

Closing his eyes, Marco nodded his head knowing that he would do anything for her and he was sure that his trip to France would be just fine; he couldn't imagine that anything could go wrong while he was away. 

"I love you," Marco said kissing Sansa, he was glad that his family were going to be keeping an eye on her while he was away; the last thing that he wanted was for anything to happen to her and their baby while he was gone. 

Marco had never left Sansa and Finn alone for more than a couple of days, he would be gone for weeks and it unsettled him a little that anything might happen to them while he was away. 

"I love you too," Sansa whispered softly, hearing Joachim Löw call for the team to gather so that they could leave, she clung to Marco for a moment not wanting to let him go. 

Marco kissed softly before he pulled away from her and collected his bag so that he could leave; he looked at his pregnant fiancée and their son knowing that he would do anything for them and he would see them soon when he had the chance. 

Sansa held Finn close as they watched Marco walk away from them, they could only hope that everything went well with the team and that in a couple of weeks Finn would be flying out to watch the Euros.


"Are you okay?" Mario Götze asked looking at Marco as they stepped into their hotel room, it had been a long trip to their hotel and they were all exhausted after the trip; they were just glad to have some sort of a rest now. 

Things had been pretty quiet on the flight over and the team all knew that it would take a little bit of time for them to adjust to being away from their loved ones and their families. 

"It's just weird being away from them," Marco murmured plopping down on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling knowing that he had to call Sansa and let her know that they had arrived safely. 

Mario nodded his head, he had never seen Marco like this before and he knew that things had certainly turned around for him in the last couple of years; he had never thought that he would see his friend like this. 

"I'm sure they miss you just as much," Mario said smiling at Marco, he was so happy that things had worked out for his best friend; they may play for different teams now but that didn't change anything. 

Marco nodded his head closing his eyes, he was tired and he knew that there would be a meeting later on to discuss what was going to be happening during the tournament. 

"I should call home... let Sansa and Finn know that we got here okay," Marco mumbled slowly moving to get his mobile out of his jeans, he missed his small family already and he knew speaking to them might help him feel better. 

Mario nodded his head knowing that he needed to call his own girlfriend, he yawned a little hoping that he wouldn't be disturbing her; he was sure that she wouldn't mind a call from him. 

Taking a deep breath, Marco pressed the phone to his ear and he wondered when he would do in the weeks that he could be gone; he was sure Sansa would be fine planning out their wedding.

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