Chapter Seven: Worrying Thoughts

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“How are you feeling?” Mats asked looking to Marco, it had been a week since he had been to see Sansa and no one knew what had happened between them only that Marco now knew the entire truth about what had happened.

Mats was worried that his friend had gone and done something stupid, he knew that deep down Marco was still very much in love with Sansa but he didn’t need the blonde in his life anymore.

Mats knew it was harsh but Marco was better off without the drama that came with Sansa, he had gotten closure and now it was time for Marco to move on; he deserved his own happiness and he could get that now.

“I’m good,” Marco replied smiling, he had done a lot of thinking in the past week and he now understood why Sansa had ended things; what she had been through was traumatic and it had done a number on her.

Marco had even research her case and he was relieved to see that Connor was serving ten years for what he had done and wouldn’t be able to apply for parole for another year.

“That’s good,” Mats mused nodding his head, he wanted Marco to be happy and now he could move on just like everyone wanted him to.

Cathy had told him that Sansa had no idea that she was the one who told Marco where to find her; Mats knew that the blonde would ended their friendship if she knew that Cathy had betrayed her even if it had worked out well in the end.

“I was thinking that we could set you up with Aisha again,” Mats continued smiling, he was sure that Marco would be happier if he could start dating again now; he didn’t notice that Marco had paused and didn’t look happy with what had been said.

The last few days might have made him think about what had happened between him and Sansa but Marco was a little interested in getting back together with his ex-girlfriend; even if he knew that no one in his life would approve of his decision.

“I don’t want to be set up,” Marco murmured turning to look at Mats, he knew his friend meant well but he had no interest in any of the women that his friends kept trying to set him up with.

Mats stared at Marco as he realised that his friend was actually considering getting back together with Sansa, he was surprised even if he did sort of see this happening after he had found out the truth.

“You can’t be serious,” Mats said wondering what Marco was thinking, he didn’t need that in his life and he was sure that he could move on now that he knew what had happened to Sansa.

Mats had nothing against Sansa but she wasn’t right for Marco anymore and the attention would be too much for her; the former couple were better off apart and he couldn’t let them back slide into another relationship.

“I don’t know what I want right now Mats, but I do know that I have to think about this,” Marco whispered staring at his friend wanting him to understand, he hadn’t seen Sansa since their talk and he knew that she had a lot going on but he did like the idea of starting up again with her.

The only thing that stopped Marco from doing so right now was that Sansa had ended things because she wanted to protect him and it made him a little wary; he had to be sure that this was what he wanted before he made any sort of move.

“Marco…” Mats grumbled hating that his friend was even considering doing this again, he had been devastated when Sansa had ended things and no one wanted to see him go through that again.

Mats also knew that there was no way in hell that Manuela and Thomas would welcome Sansa back; they hated the blonde and would never forgive her for what had happened.


“Mama my stomach hurts,” Finn whimpered cuddling into Sansa’s side as they walked into the doctor’s office for his appointment, he had been complaining a lot and Sansa knew that it was just a stomach ache.

Sansa kept a tight hold of her son’s hand as she moved to check him in, she was nervous about what the doctor might say and she knew that the last time they had been here there had been all sorts of tests done.

Finn was everything to Sansa and she knew that if he required treatment that she was going to be in big trouble; her two jobs barely made her anything and Sansa didn’t know what she was going to do.

“Mama,” Finn whispered climbing up onto his mother’s lap when they had been seated, he could see that she was worried and wanted to hug her; he clung to her while they waited for his appointment to be called.

Sansa pressed a kiss to the top of Finn’s head, she held him close as she tried to ease her mind; she was sure that it was going to be okay, she had to be because she didn’t want to lose her son.

“Finn Farber,” the doctor called making Sansa look up, she took a deep breath getting to her feet and slowly walked over to the doctor while carrying Finn.

The doctor smiled a little at Sansa before showing her into his office, he rarely saw the blonde and her son other than Finn’s yearly check-ups; he knew that Sansa would only bring her son in if it was deadly serious.

“How are we all today?” the doctor asked moving to sit down, he opened Finn’s file on his computer and took a deep breath remembering the tests that the four year old had done the last time he was there.

Sansa sat down with Finn on her lap, she was worried about her son’s results and she just wanted answers; she peeked down at Finn knowing that she hoped that everything would be okay.

“Now we have Finn’s results and I’m afraid it’s bad news,” the doctor said looking at Sansa, he wished he had better news for her and her son but they were lucky that they had found it early.

“The hole in Finn’s stomach has opened up again… he needs to have surgery as soon as possible,” the doctor started knowing that this had been done before and that it would be easy to fix as long as they didn’t delay.

Sansa nodded her head, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath remembering how scared she had been when he had been a baby and had the surgery; she just hoped this time would be better.

Sansa looked to the doctor before she realised that there was more news, her stomach dropped wondering what they could say now and she held onto her son tighter.

“We also find signs of very early stage cancer in his stomach,” the doctor confirmed making Sansa feel sick, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing and she prayed that she had heard him wrong.

Finn cuddled into his mother’s arms, he didn’t understand what was being said but he knew that it was bad; he peeked at his mother wanting her to tell him it was all going to be okay.

“This is easily treatment Miss Farber… once Finn has had his operation to close the hole, we will start him on chemotherapy,” the doctor informed Sansa knowing that this was the best treatment for him, he wanted to let Sansa know that this was going to be okay no matter what happened.

Sansa took a couple of deep breathes trying to remain calm for Finn’s sake, she had no idea if their insurance covered all of this and she doubted that it did; she swallowed knowing she would do whatever it took to make sure her son was okay.

“I’ll set you up with an appointment with a consultant at the hospital and they’ll be able to talk you through all of your options,” the doctor said knowing that they had a good chance since they had caught it early.

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