Chapter Twenty-Five: The Baby Scan

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Sansa took a deep breath as she climbed out of the car, she was a little nervous about today and she was hopeful that things would go well with their scan; she knew how excited Marco was about all of this. 

Sansa was trying to keep things calm and she wanted nothing more than to focus on what was happening at that moment; there was no point getting ahead of themselves when things were finally doing well. 

Marco followed Sansa out of the car, he was a little worried about their scan and he was hoping that it was going to go well; he hadn't been there for when she was pregnant with Finn but he was going to be there for their second child. 

Marco peeked around trying to spot any paparazzi, Sansa was thirteen weeks pregnant and he didn't want anyone harassing them; things were still pretty early and there was no sign of a bump yet. 

"Relax," Sansa whispered linking their fingers, she smiled at Marco and she hoped that he wasn't going to freak out at some point; she wanted nothing more than to focus on the good things that were happening in her life. 

Marco swallowed and nodded his head, he drew Sansa close and smiled weakly at her; he couldn't wait to see his baby for the first time and he was sure that the midwife was going to have some good news for them. 

The couple quickly walked into the building, they had an early morning appointment and they didn't want too many pictures of them to be snapped outside of the clinic. 

Marco could only do so much to stop the press finding out that they were expecting their first child; it was something he wanted to enjoy in private for as long as it took. 

Sansa, Finn and the baby were important to Marco and he was going to do his best to protect them; he didn't want anything ruining their perfect life together.


Marco looked around the office while the midwife checked Sansa over, his green eyes taking in the posters that decorated the office; he couldn't help but take in the details that were on them. 

Marco had been doing a lot of research since Sansa had told him that she was pregnant, he wanted to be prepared for whatever might happen while Sansa was pregnant with their baby. 

"Everything looks good," the midwife informed the couple with a smile, she peeked at the new father to be and she could tell that he was feeling out of place; most new fathers did for the first few appointments. 

Marco sighed in relief, he was just pleased to hear that there was nothing wrong with Sansa or the baby; they were entering the second trimester and he was looking forward to what came next. 

It would be a couple more weeks before they would know for sure what they were going to have; Marco couldn't wait for that moment and he was sure that it would be great help for when he decorated the nursery. 

Sansa sat down on the examination table, she smiled at Marco and she wondered what he would think when it came to the scan; she was sure that things were going to be just fine. 

"Now if you just lift up your top, I can do the scan," the midwife instructed making Sansa lean back on the bed, she lifted her top slightly so that the midwife could do the ultrasound scan; she wanted nothing more than for everything to go perfectly. 

Marco sat silently by her side, his eyes watching the midwife's moves curious about what was happening but not wanting to ask too many questions; he took Sansa's hand and gave it a squeeze making her look at him. 

The room was silent for a moment as the midwife worked, this was the first child that Sansa was going to have with Marco and they were a little tense.

"And there is your baby," the midwife said after a few moments, she smiled adjusting the screen so that Marco and Sansa could see; she checked everything knowing that their baby was perfectly fine. 

Marco stared at the screen as tears filled his eyes, he couldn't believe that was his baby; it only served to confirm to him that there was a baby growing inside of his fiancée. 

Sansa smiled watching Marco's face, she could see that he was happy and she hoped that it was going to be okay; it had been a rough pregnancy with Finn and she was hoping that this time would be better. 

Marco turned to look at the blonde before he ducked forward and kissed her, he couldn't believe that he finally got to see their baby and he couldn't wait for the newborn to arrive. 

"I take it you would like some pictures?" the midwife asked interrupting the couple, she smiled at them glad to see a couple that looked excited when it came to the pregnant. 

Sansa nodded her head while Marco whispered softly to her, she doubted that he had ever been this happy before and she was glad that he had gotten to be here for this scan. 

Marco had missed her confirmation scan because he had been away with the club playing in a match, he had been determined to attend this scan no matter what anyone else had to say. 

Marco couldn't believe that things were working out so well for them, he was happy and he hoped that things would remain like this; they were engaged and were going to have a baby and that was all that mattered to him.


Marco grinned staring down at the imagine in his hands, he was glad that Sansa had gotten a couple of copies since he knew that he wouldn't be letting this one go; his mother was going to want one to fawn over as well. 

Sansa shook her head amused as they headed back towards the car, they had just enjoyed a quiet lunch and she was glad that everything had gone well. 

Things had been pretty quiet and Sansa couldn't imagine what was going to happen when they told Finn that he was going to have a baby brother or sister; the couple were a little worried that he would be jealous. 

"I still can't believe it," Marco gushed not knowing what else to say, it all felt so real now and he couldn't wait for their next appointment when they found out what the gender was. 

Marco didn't care what they had and he was just going to be happy if the baby was healthy, he was determined to make things perfect for when the baby was born. 

"Well believe it... because in July we are going to have a baby," Sansa teased smiling at Marco, she kissed him knowing that they would have to get home before Finn did. 

Marco smiled into the kiss holding Sansa close, he didn't care who seen them as long as things were going this well; he was happy and he wanted the world to know about it. 

"Hallo Sansa," said a voice making Sansa freeze, she had never wanted to hear that voice again and she pulled away from Marco feeling sick that this was happening. 

Marco turned to stare at the man that had ruined his fiancée's life, he couldn't believe that Connor had shown up like this; he wasn't meant to be able to approach Sansa like this after what he had done to her. 

Connor smiled as he stared at Marco and Sansa, he hadn't been expecting to run into the couple so soon after his release from prison; it was a blessing that he had come across them since he wanted to meet the son that he had with Sansa. 

Marco gently pushed Sansa behind him, he wasn't going to let this monster hurt her again.

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