Epilogue: Declan Reus

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Gritting her teeth as she held Marco's hand, Sansa cried out in pain as she continued to push their son into the world; it had been a long labour, it had even run longer than when she'd had Finn and Sansa was glad that it was nearly over. 

Marco had been loyally at her side since her water had broken, he was exhausted and he didn't know how Sansa had managed to carry on like this. 

Finn was currently with Sansa's parents and he was having a movie night with his grandparents completely unaware that he was going to become a big brother; he was going to be surprised when he got up tomorrow to find that he had a baby brother. 

"Come on Sansa... not long now," the midwife said from her position between her legs, it had been a long labour and she knew that Sansa was exhausted but they were so close now; the baby was crowning and he was ready to arrive. 

Sansa swore loudly, she didn't care that she was in the process of breaking Marco's hand; she couldn't believe that this was taking so long and she couldn't wait for it to be over. 

"We are never having sex again," Sansa spat glaring at Marco, she didn't know how she had forgotten how much this hurt; she was tired and she just wanted to sleep but she wouldn't be able to stop until Declan had been born. 

It had been what felt like an extra-long day, Sansa had gone into labour late the night before and Marco had been quick to drop Finn off at his grandparents before rushing Sansa to the hospital; they had been there ever since and it was now very early in the morning of the next day. 

Sansa still couldn't believe how lucky she was; Marco had been nothing but sweet since he had come home from the Euros, Germany had been beaten in the final of the tournament losing to Italy and he had been so focused on her and their family since then.

It had been so peaceful and many papers had printed a retraction of Carolin's story after it came out that Marco was very willing to sue anyone who spread those lies; he had done what he had to, to make things right. 

Carolin hadn't bothered the family since and Marco had made sure that she had no way of doing so; he didn't care what she did with the money she got from her interview only that she left them alone now. 

"The head's out," the midwife announced making Marco look at her, he couldn't believe that this was actually believe that his son was nearly here; it had been a long nine months and he was just glad they had made it to this moment. 

Their family had come far and Marco knew that his life wouldn't have been the same if he hadn't of come back when he had from the Euros; that night had changed things for them and he and Sansa had never been closer. 

"One more big push," the midwife urged knowing that Sansa was starting to flag, it had been a tense labour and the end result was near; she was so proud of the woman that was so close to having her son. 

Sansa gave it her all and only stopped when Declan's cries filled the room, she slumped back on her pillows sweaty as she stared down at the little person who was screaming his lungs out. 

Marco couldn't help but stare a smile on his face at his little boy, he swallowed back the lump in his throat as the midwife passed Declan over to Sansa; he watched his little boy knowing that he was never going to want for nothing. 

Sansa sniffled holding Declan in her arms, he was so small and she couldn't believe that he was actually here; she pressed a kiss to the top of his head knowing that it was all going to be okay.


Finn pouted as he followed his father down the corridor, he hadn't seen his parents since last night and he was far from happy; he missed his mother and he didn't know what this big secret was but he didn't like it. 

"Papa. Where is mama?" Finn asked holding Marco's hand, he stared up at Marco with big brown eyes and hoped that everything was okay; he had never been away from her for so long without her calling to speak to him on the phone. 

Marco grinned ducking down to pick the little boy up, he'd taken a nap a little while ago and he had made sure that Sansa had gotten so rest before going to call their families to let them know that Declan had been born. 

The last thing that Marco wanted was for people to be crowding around when he and Sansa hadn't slept all night; he wanted to be aware in case anything did happen when people came. 

"She's in here with someone very special," Marco reassured him, he picked Finn up as they reached the private hospital room and he knew that it was going to be an interesting first meeting for the two brothers. 

Finn stared at his father confessed wondering who could be waiting with his mother, the two quietly entered the bedroom and Finn's eyes quickly found his mother resting in bed with a small bundle in her arms. 

Smiling at the sight of their eldest, Sansa hoped that the first meeting would go well; she peeked down at Declan who was sleeping soundly in her arms without any problems. 

"Mama," Finn murmured unsure when Marco gently sat him on the bed, he eyed the thing in his mother's arms not liking that she couldn't hug him because of it. 

Sansa looked at Marco and nodded her head, there was no way around it and it was best to tell him now; he was in for a big surprise and they hoped that he would take it well. 

"Finn... this is your baby brother Declan," Marco murmured while Sansa adjusted the blanket around Declan so that Finn could see him better, they were silent wondering how he was going to take this.

Finn stared down at his baby brother, he watched him for a moment before looking at his parents' expectant faces; he peeked down at Declan again before he wrinkled his nose and shook his head. 

"I don't like him," Finn announced looking at his mother expectantly, he waited for her to put Declan down so that they could go home and leave him here. 

Taking a deep breath, Sansa slowly started to explain to Finn that yes Declan would be coming home with them; she watched Marco knowing that there was every chance that he was going to throw a tantrum over this. 

Marco chuckled knowing that he couldn't have asked for anything less, he had everything that he had everything that he had ever wanted and more.



Author's Note:

This is the end of Everything You Want.

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have made it this far without any of you xxx

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