Chapter Four - Earning their way

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I walked back to Nampara after taking a dip in the ocean in the morning light. Demelza was irritated, the need to be clean all the time was not what she was used to.

"Demelza venting at him will not make keeping the crawlers away any easier. Come, I will do your hair while you practice your reading." I glanced up to Ross before following my friend inside. I ran a comb through her curly red hair as she practiced her reading. I helping her along the way. Once we were ready for the day, we were about to set at our chores, when we entered the main house Prudie was off on one, again.

"So, now we be home to all the waifs and strays in the county. Rags and tatters of Wheal Reath and their begin bowls." she ranted

"Oh hush your harping. People need to feed themselves and what is one more hand to help clear all the mess you and Jud made of the past several months." I retort as Ross enters his study and closes the door. Prudie glares at us and I roll my eyes.

"Abigail!" he yells for me

"He was just right there. Honestly." I sigh gesturing to the spot where he had been moments ago before walking into the study and curtsy.

" Your father owned Wheal Hope."

"He did."

"I am looking over what was left to me. Wheal Leisure and Grace, see if anything can be done about them. I want you to go through everything my father left, documents and accounts and give me a summary of what you have gained." he looked up from his desk

"What about all the chores. Demelza will be left to her own vices because those other two will barely lift a finger unless you're watching." I pointed out.

"She will do just fine." he left me to it and I shrugged getting two it. I delved into the books and read so much I became cross eyed and removed myself for some fresh air. Demelza wash having up the washing.

"What does he have you doing then?" she wondered

"Making a summarised account of his inheritance. the mines, the land everything that is now under him. my eyes are sore." i grumbled "What about you, lazy one and two. They aren't giving you trouble are they?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

"Abigail." I turned hearing our master return "You remember my cousin Verity." I curtsy to her then make my way back inside.


Demelza was inside doing her chores and I notice her stop and peek into what Ross was doing as I walked past her and into the study.

"We've been invited to a ball." Ross informed me as i opened another book.

"What business would I have being at a ball." I mumble and flick through it.

"You are from a upper class family all are invited to peruse for suitors." he replied making me scoff. The thought of it alone...

"I would rather go up against the drunks of the Red Lion than attend it with men and woman with fashionable sticks shoved up their asses." I heard him chuckle "What is it with you men and no organisation. It will take me weeks to go through this." I grumble

"Have fun. I am going to help Demelza, seen as Prudie isn't going to." I leave the book and walk out.

I was cleaning around the house while Demelza was put to scrubbing the floors. Once I was done I was tired and heavy, I fell asleep.


I needed to clear my head so Demelza and I left Nampara, she collected flowers on the hill while I went for a swim.

"Abigail." I gasp hearing Ross' voice. I was not wearing anything as I glance back to make sure. "I apologise. I was not aware you were here."

"Well I am. As you can see." I glance back again "Can you at least turn around so I can come and redress." he did so and I swam back and re dressed as quickly as I could.

"I thought you would be back at Nampara." he stated

"To much reading and sorting." I cleared my throat. He thought that meant it was okay and turned and froze, I was only back in my shift which still clung to my wet an freshened self. "I'll be heading back." I carried the rest of my stuff and hurried past him sparing a glance back only when I returned to Demelza, who had the broadest smile on her face.

"Your seriously spying." I huff

"And your not." she pulled me down to watch as he entered the water I had left. It was quite a sight to be hold. But then I came to my senses and pulled my friend away.

"You know his eyes did not leave you until you had rounded the corner. I saw him." she giggled.


I was talking Ross over what I had learned so far about the mines in his charge, when Demelza entered and gave and awkward curtsy.

"Your uncle Charles, sir." she announced and in walked Charles Poldark.

"Well, Mistress Abigail. I had heard you had taken up residence with my nephew." I stood and curtsied to the man "Your sister is ever to see you, pays you visit her in her new home."

"Please send my apologies. My time is taken up with helping to restore Nampara and new duties." I left the men to talk.

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